TWC Information for Faculty

Welcome, faculty, to the TWC!

We appreciate and welcome when you encourage students to use our services.

Accudemia Link Information

The Accudemia (make an appointment) link on the Tutoring and Writing Center webpage only works for current IVCC students. If you would prefer, you can link to the /twcenter page or know that students can access the link if you receive an error message.

ASC Tours

We would like to invite you to tour the Academic Support Center (ASC) with your classes. The ASC includes:
• Tutoring and Writing Center
• Student Help Desk
• Jacobs Library
• Center for Accessibility and Neurodiversity

We invite you to bring your classes to visit the ASC for several reasons:
• During the spring 2023 semester, we surveyed IVCC students who attended in the fall and were enrolled in the spring. The 98 students who completed the survey indicated that they had heard of the ASC and the Tutoring and Writing Center because you talked about us. Students also responded resoundingly that instructor communication about the Academic Support Center was their preferred way to hear about us.
• Classes visiting the ASC were suggested by students in the 98 Survey.
• Faculty who have brought their classes to visit the ASC said that it benefits students. One faculty member says, “I am hoping by seeing it firsthand, my students will be more likely to visit and benefit from it. Remembering, 1. I will give them extra credit, 2. They help with more than just writing and the tutoring is free! 3. This place can help them be more successful in their classes, therefore, prosper in their schooling career 4. I am hoping this will give them more confidence as well.”

You may bring your classes during Tutoring and Writing Center drop-in hours (appointments are appreciated during these hours) or make an appointment outside of the TWC drop-in hours. You can find our drop-in hours here: We also welcome invitations to visit your class in your classroom to discuss ASC services.

To schedule an ASC or classroom visit or for additional information, please contact Angela at or 815-224-0479. We look forward to seeing you in the Academic Support Center soon! 

Communication Procedures

The Tutoring and Writing Center is happy to communicate student attendance to
instructors via different modes such as email, reports, or paper slips. However, we
will only communicate at the request of the student. If a student is required to
use our services or if they want an instructor to know they visited, they can:
• have a slip of paper filled out during their visit
• run their own report in Accudemia
• contact the Tutoring and Writing Center via their IVCC email and request
that we contact the instructor directly

Embedded Tutoring

The Learning Resources division provides opportunities to have dedicated, embedded academic support professionals in your classes through the use of embedded tutors and librarians.

If you elect to use dedicated academic support services, a tutor or librarian will be
assigned to your class. You may elect to use any or all of these dedicated services:
• Librarian
• Professional Subject Tutor
• Writing Consultant
• Success Coach for Organization, Time Management, and Study Skills
Types of services provided:
• Support professional introduction video
• Posts for and responses to students in a dedicated discussion forum
• Replies to emails sent to the support professional
• Links to academic support content relevant to the course
• One-on-one tutoring, consultation, or coaching, by appointment
• Invitations to group tutoring, if scheduled
• Embedded library chat widget
• Library research assistance, by appointment
• Online library instruction
• Library research tutorials for specific courses or databases as video or
PDF documents

Turnaround time when an academic support professional is embedded:
• Regular checking of discussion posts and emails
• Response time generally within 24 hours
• Provision of custom course materials based on timeline determined by instructor and support professional.

Sample Syllabus Statement

The Tutoring and Writing Center offers free, unlimited, one-on-one or group tutoring for students. Tutors can help with specific courses and with all stages of the writing process. The Tutoring and Writing Center also has helpful handouts available. Schedules and appointment availability can be found by visiting, emailing, emailing, calling the Tutoring and Writing Center at 815-224-0637, or stopping by the Tutoring and Writing Center, A-201, in the Academic Support Center.

At IVCC’s Tutoring and Writing Center, we know that students struggle. Many students experience difficulties with course concepts, anxiety, and loneliness. They don’t know they can ask for help. They don’t feel comfortable asking for help. They don’t know help is available. The good news is that the TWC is here to listen to and guide students to finding the help they need with studying, asking questions, and making connections. Students feel supported, seen, and heard, and they find their own success.

By providing a welcoming space, the Tutoring and Writing Center develops independent learners who improve their academic skills and confidence because everyone deserves an accessible and free environment to study and learn.