Business Training Center
The IVCC Business Training Center (BTC) provides consulting and training solutions designed to help our clients maintain a
competitive operation and a skilled, knowledgeable workforce. The BTC has earned a
reputation for top-notch consulting, instructor excellence, relevant content and practical
results-oriented training. We pride ourselves on keeping up-to-date with issues and
trends relevant to business and industry.
Proud Partner
Let the BTC at IVCC help you provide quality training, with instant results, ensuring your company will be a step ahead of the rest!
Grant Funding is currently available for Non-Credit Workforce Training Programs where a credential of Certificate of Completion is awarded and you can save up to 50% of the overall cost.
Contact Jennifer Sowers, Business Training Specialist | (815) 224-0280

Customized Training
Your employees are your competitive edge. Broadening their skills produces more efficient practices and quicker, improved results. From assessment to solution, our staff works with your company representative to design programs that fit your organizations needs and schedule.
Client Testimonials Training Topics
Assessment of Employee Skills
A skills/needs assessment, identifying the skill level of each employee, can be administered prior to training. Assessment result allow us to identify the needs of your employees and the objectives of the training program. Results, combined with input from the company representatives, contribute to development of an employee and company training program.

Business Consulting
Many of our trainers serve as consultants on a wide variety of organizational issues. From strategic planning to performance and quality improvement initiatives, our consultants can advise and assist in helping your company achieve its goals.

Workforce Preparation
Whether you are a first-time student pursuing a certificate or degree or a company in need of upskilling your employees, IVCC career and technical programs will help you gain the expertise needed to be successful in the workforce.
Career and Technical Programs
Click HERE to learn more about the CME Network"The Chief Manufacturing Executive (CME) Network is comprised of manufacturers from several industries, to include chemical, metals, nails, tubing, plastics, drainage systems, and agricultural components. At the request of industry leaders, Illinois Valley Community College Business Training Center in partnership with North Central Illinois (NCI) Works established the group, in order to provide manufacturing executives a forum to meet, share ideas, express concerns and learn from one-another through discussion or a presenter on a topic of interest"