Reporting Attendance in Online Classes

The intent of this information is to assist you in reporting “attendance” for your online class.  You are asked to indicate attendance within the first 10 days of the term, then again at midpoint.  Policy for disbursement and return of financial aid, per the Financial Aid handbook, provides examples of what constitutes “attendance” in distance education (online) courses.

Documenting attendance when students are enrolled in distance education courses

In a distance education context, documenting that a student has logged into an online class is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate academic attendance by the student. A school must demonstrate that a student participated in class or was otherwise engaged in an academically related activity. Examples of acceptable evidence of academic attendance and attendance at an academically related activity in a distance education program include:

  • student submission of an academic assignment,
  • student submission of an exam,
  • documented student participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction,
  • a posting by the student showing the student’s participation in an online study group that is assigned by the institution,
  • a posting by the student in a discussion forum showing the student’s participation in an online discussion about academic matters, and
  • an email from the student or other documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

Sample Syllabus Statement

Attendance/Participation in Online Classes at IVCC

I am required to report attendance (participation) in this online class by the 10th day of the semester and again at midterm.  Simply logging in to the learning management system is not considered “attending” an online class.  You must complete assignments so I do not have to report you as not participating.  Attendance is reported again at midterm, at which time you must still be participating by completing assignments.  Reporting any student as not participating in an online class may impose restrictions on financial aid.  In this online class, you must complete the following tasks in the first 10 days so I do not have to report you as not attending:  (modify this list to be specific to the tasks you assign in the first 10 days):

  • student submission of an academic assignment,
  • student submission of an exam,
  • documented student participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction,
  • a posting by the student showing the student’s participation in an online study group that is assigned by the institution,
  • a posting by the student in a discussion forum showing the student’s participation in an online discussion about academic matters, and
  • an email from the student or other documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.

What happens if a student is reported as not "attending" (participating) in the 10th day report?

The indicator on 10th day is our way of saying yes the student is attending or attended this class and is owed aid for those credit hours.

  • If a student is marked yes (attending) at 10th day, the student gets credit as attending that class and receives aid.
  • If a student is marked no at 10th day and then is withdrawn, no aid is counted towards that class.
  • If a student is marked yes (attending) at 10th day and then is withdrawn after he would get credit as attending that class and receive his aid. (Gets slightly more complicated if it is all of his classes compared to only one of his classes)
  • If the student is reported as not attending on 10th day, financial aid will not be counted for that class. If they are not using financial aid (i.e. paying out of pocket) the student paid/is paying for a class that they are not attending, which is obviously undesirable.