IVCC Self Service Verification, Certification, and Grading

10th Day Attendance Verification

Federal regulations require colleges that receive Title IV funding to have a procedure in place to show that students have begun attending class before the refund deadline  (10th Day Verification). Students marked as never attended are dropped from the class and no financial aid is counted toward the class. Students paying out of pocket receive a refund.

See Reporting Attendance in Online Classes for guidance on how to determine attendance in online or hybrid classes. 

How to Verify 10 Day Attendance

On the 11th day of the term, the option to certify 10th day verification is available in IVCC Self Service.  

  1. Log in to IVCC Self Service 
  2. Use your Knumber as your Username (use uppercase letters)
  3. Click on "Faculty."
  4. Click on the course you intend to complete.
  5. Click on "Census."
  6. If a student has not attended, check the "Never Attended" box. 
  7. Click on "Certify."
  8. Note: the Certify button is not available until the 11th day the day after the last day for a refund for that term. 
  9. Click "Submit" to finish the verification process.

Midterm Certification

Certification by instructors of students actively pursuing a class at midterm is used as the basis for receiving grant allocations. Students who are not meeting your active pursuit standards are marked with a W and will be withdrawn from the course by the Records Office. A grade of W is reported as the final grade on the transcript and no refunds are given.

How to Verify Active Pursuit at Mid-Term

  1. Log in to IVCC Self Service.
  2. Click on "Faculty."
  3. Click on the course you intend to complete.
  4. Click on "Grading."
  5. Click on "Midterm Certification."
  6. If a student is actively pursuing the course at the midterm date select A from the drop-down menu. If a student is not actively pursuing the course at the midterm date, select W from the drop-down menu to withdraw the student from the class and add the "Last Date of Attendance." 
  7. Once complete, or if all students are actively pursuing, click "Midterm Grading Complete."
  8. Click "Continue" to finish the certification process.

Final Grades

How to Enter Final Grades

  1. Log in to IVCC Self Service.
  2. Click on "Faculty." 
  3. Click on the course you intend to complete. 
  4. Click on "Grading."
  5. Click on "Final Grade."
  6. Select the grade from the drop-down list.
    • All grades of  F need the Last Day of Attendance.
    • All Incompletes need the Last Day of Attendance and Expiration Date.
  7. When all final grades are entered, click "Post Grades." (Once you click "Post Grades," the grades can only be changed by using the change of grade form.)
  8. Click "Post Grades" to finish the grading process. (You will receive an email when the grades are posted.)
  9. Email a digital copy of your grades to the Director of Admissions.

How to Download Brightspace Grades

  1. Log in to Brightspace.
  2. Open the course.
  3. In the Purple Nav Bar, click on "Grades."
  4. In the Enter Grade, view click on "Export."
  5. Select the appropriate export options (for example, name and grade columns).
  6. Click on "Export to Excel."

How to Download a Roster

  1. Log in to IVCC Self Service.
  2. Click on "Faculty." 
  3. Click on the course. 
  4. Click on "Roster."
  5. In the upper right hand corner click on "Print," "E-mail," or "Download."

How to Search for Courses by Faculty

  1. Log in to IVCC Self Service.
  2. Go to the Course Catalog.
  3. Select the Term. 
  4. Click on "Search."
  5. Scroll to the end of the page and Click on "Show all Faculty." 
  6. Check the box by the Faculty name.


Contact CETLA@ivcc.edu, 815-224-0530.