IVCC 100! Lifelong Learning Series
Contact: IVCC Continuing Education Center
Phone: 815-224-0427
Monday-Friday, 8 AM-4:30 PM (except Friday during summer and holidays)
Register online: ivcc.edu/enroll
Location: CTC-219, IVCC Main Campus
View the Spring Catalog
IVCC's 100th Celebration
Sign up for a Class
Learn for life! Illinois Valley Community College offers a variety of curated topics led by subject matter experts, faculty,
authors, historians and museum educators. Discover herbs beneficial to your health,
learn about the race to the moon, or discover how prohibition actually helped organized
crime! Register for the whole series, or just the topics you are interested in.
All online live classroom courses meet via Zoom. A meeting invite will be emailed
within 24 hours before class begins. Participants need access to a computer with high-speed
internet. A webcam and microphone are recommended but are not required.

In celebration of IVCC's 100th Centennial Celebration, we are offering a special discounted
rate of $100 for all 14 classes included in IVCC's Spring 2024 Online Lifelong Learning
Program. Participate in just 6 or more online live classes to save! You will receive
the links for each class within 24 hours of each session.
Use Code IVCC1924 to receive the special rate!
Classes included in the series:
Join us for a guided tour through the past 100 years ofoutstanding comedies in John
LeGear's film history presentation Comedy Gold on the Silver Screen. Witness the evolution
of humor on film since the arrival of Charlie Chaplin in Hollywood in 1914 and enjoy
a taste of television comedy in this swiftmoving tribute to outstanding writing, direction,
and performance, In addition to laughs, you'll learn of little-known insights and
fresh perspectives on some of film history's comedy classics
Wed 6-7:30 PM Jan 24
1 Session John LeGear
Online Live Class ID: 14325 $19
Learn which herbs and foods can bring more sunshine into your world and keep you buoyant
and revitalized when the temperatures dip and the skies are gray. Explore creative
uses of herbs and food for well-being, immune health and getting enough sleep.
Tue 6-7:15 PM Feb 6
1 Session Dawn Petter
Online Live Class ID: 14326 $19
The beginning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced to the early 1950's when
programmers made checkers and chess playing computers. Then came Shakey, the first
AI robot, which was basically a box on wheels, What are some other Al breakthroughs?
What is the current status of Al development? What do scientists envision for the
future of Al? This course will present a timeline on the scientific development of
artificial intelligence and uses in our world.
Tue 1-2:30 PM Feb 13
1 Session Dr. Suzanne Rausch
Online Live Class ID: 14327 $19
Everything you did not know about our presidents The great and not-so*reat have many
secrets, nuances, and happenstances that make the leaders of our nation's leaders
interesting, regular people, or anything but normal! Consider this the bachelor, 14
children, skinny dipper, wealthiest to poorest, what did they do before and after
their Presidencies, pets, foibles, and firsts among many points of interest You will
never look at a penny the same again.
Mon 1-3 PM Feb 19
1 Session Steve Aavang
Online Live Class ID: 14328 $19
This year's 85th anniversary of the beginning of World War Il presents a fitting occasion
to take a closer look at Hitler's mouthpiece, Joseph Goebbels. Through his perfidious
use of propaganda, this quintessential Nazi was not only able to turn the Dictator
into a worshipped god-like figure, but he also seduced a whole nation and made many
stubbornly believe in an essentially unwinnable war. German historian Anette Isaacs
presents fascinating insights into the life and mind of this powerful manipulator.
Tue 1-3 PM Feb 20
1 Session Annette Isaacs
Online Live Class ID: 14330 $19
Learn about the extraordinary scientists of Chicago who were instrumental in developing
the atomic bomb. Discover how the Atomic Age began in Chicago with Enrico Fermi in
1942, as he oversaw the first human-caused, self-controlled nuclear chain reaction,
Learn how this discovery would ultimately lead to the Arms Race and the Cold War.
Tue 10 AM-12PM Feb 27
1 Session Jay Sternickle
Online Live Class ID: 14329 $19
Get your kicks on Route 66 during this class that explores the history of the "Mother
Road." Route 66 was established in 1926 and covered a total of 2,448 miles stretching
from Chicago to Los Angeles. This class looks at the history of the highway with special
attention paid to its route through Illinois.
Wed 1-3 PM Feb 28
1 Session Jay Sternickle
Online Live Class ID: 14343 $19
Master Gardener Natalie Martin will walk you through the process of using goal-based
gardening to jumpstart your garden plan for the year. Using the S.M.A.RJ. goal framework,
come up with some ideas for your garden this year and make them achievable!
Tue 6-7:15 PM Mar 5
1 Session Natalie Martin
Online Live Class ID: 14332 $19
How did mobsters become millionaires? Find out what the Prohibition amendment set
out to do, the challenges faced by law enforcement and violent, illegal rackets that
sprang up to quench America's thirst. This program will be presented by an educator
at The Mob Museum in Las Vegas, NIL This non-profit museum has a mission to advance
the public understanding of organized crime's history and impact on American society.
Thu 10:30 -11:45 AM Mar 7
1 Session Mob Museum Educator
Online Live Class ID: 14333 $19
Based upon my book of the same name, the story of a man who survives in the stark
Canadian wilderness in the winter by listening to the lessons the wolves show him
and the practices of the Native Americans (first Nation's People) whom he studies
as part of his Ph.D. work. A sudden storm brings his bush plane down and after surviving
the crash the man must walk out of the wilderness with the few items he can salvage
from his plane. Would you be able to do the same? Techniques of survival and personal
qualities will be revealed and discussed.
Thu 1-3 PM Mar 14
1 Session Steve Aavang
Online Live Class ID: 14334 $19
In 1804, vice-president Aaron Burr met former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander
Hamilton on a riverbank at dawn with loaded pistols, to settle an affair of honor
with a duel. The result was tragic. The story of how Hamilton and Burr ended up in
that duel - now an award-winning musical - is full of intrigue. This presentation
will explore the characters of Hamilton and Burr, the roles they played in their in
revolutionary timest and how the struggles and passions of their era led them to the
final duel.
Mon 1-3 PM Mar 18
1 Session Joyce Hayworth
Online Live Class ID: 14335 $19
From Paul Bunyan to the Hodag, this program presented by Chad Lewis, who has authored
over 30 books and has been featured on numerous shows, is filled with all of the Lumberjack
traditions, superstitions and legends, Filled with tall tales of mysterious creatures
lurking in the woods, boasts of supernatural feats and every yarn told in-between,
this program celebrates our lumberjack history. Whether you're a history buff or just
looking for a fascinating way to spend an evening.
Tue 6-7 PM Mar 26
1 Session Chad Lewis
Online Live Class ID: 14344 $19
While Project Mercury proved that NASA could successfully launch astronauts into orbit
and recover them, many lessons still needed to be learned before landing on the moon,
Taking place between 1965 and 1966, Project Gemini featured a 2-man spacecraft and
a more powerful rocket Project Gemini set out to practice many of the maneuvers and
techniques required to travel to and land on the moon such as learning to intercept
and dock with other spacecraft, learning how to perform outside the spacecraft in
a spacesuit, and testing astronauts' endurance to survive in space for weeks at a
Wed 10-11:30AM April 7
1 Session Mike Frederiksen
Online Live Class ID: 14331 $19
Gorillas come to life in stories and pictures from the presenter's three gorilla tracking
expeditions in the Congo's Kahuzi-Biega National Park. Rwanda's Volcanoes National
Park, and Ugandats Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Participants will learn about gorilla
behavior, their similarities to us, and threats to their continued survival. Primatologist
Dian Fossey's s life and work, as well as her still unsolved murder, will be discussed.
Mon 1:30-3:30 PM Apr 22
1 Session Dr. John Ulferts
Online Live Class ID: 14336 $19
"This was my first-ever Zoom class, and I was very impressed. The instructor was very knowledgeable about the subject and presented it in a relaxed way. I'm glad that I signed-up!"
- IVCC Lifelong Learning Student