Job Search Process

Finding a job and finding the right job are two very different things. 

Part of the finding involves several steps as part of the job search process. Illinois Valley Community College and its Career Services has resources available to help with career decisions and its job search process.


Job Search Strategies

Tips on the Job Search Process

Knowing WHERE to look for a job is only one part of the Job Search Process:

  • First, you must honestly assess your strengths, skills, and your requirements for working conditions.
  • You must have a current resume that is accurate and demonstrates your skills and strengths in a professional manner.
  • You must develop a cover letter format that will be individualized to each employer and for each position you apply.
  • You must develop a system for filling out job applications when asked to do so.
  • You must formulate a plan for your job search that includes organization of materials, resources and a calendar of your activities.
  • Overall, you must maintain a positive attitude that is assertive and confident throughout the process.

Finding a job may not be the easiest task you will face in your life. However, by developing the right attitude, formulating a plan, and following through with your plan, you should have the most success with your job search.


Job Search quick references

The Job Search Process is about finding the right job. So start your job search by understanding how the process works.  Know what tools you will need in your future career path.


Resources on Campus

Take advantage of these resources while you are a student at IVCC, knowing that if you can master the art of how the process works.

  • Individual Assistance - IVCC's Career Services has appointment times for students to stop in to discuss their resume or the job search process.
  • Instructors - Your instructors are experts in their fields. Be sure to talk with them about the content of your resume and get their advice, utilizing their experience and knowledge.
  • Workshops - Various workshops are offered through IVCC's Career Services Office.
Let's Search!