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Come grow with us!
IVCC Agriculture provides opportunities for students to find and carry out their passion for agriculture. Students get hands-on experience conducting research in our crop and soil sciences lab and working with the latest agriculture equipment on our campus farm. A diverse range of courses enables students to learn about all aspects of the agriculture industry from plants and animals to business and mechanics. IVCC Ag has partnered with local companies to provide internships and job opportunities for ag students. Students can get help paying for their education via IVCC Agriculture scholarships, which total over $70,000!
Agriculture Transfer Agronomy Agricultural Business Management Agricultural Studies Cannabis Production
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The IVCC Foundation provides over $400,000 in scholarships, with over $70,000 in scholarships for agriculture students! The deadline to submit applications is Thursday, February 9, 2023.
Below are the IVCC Foundation agriculture scholarship offerings*:
Anonymous Scholarship - $4,000 (2)
2023 IVCC district high school graduate or first time IVCC attendee
Applicant must be registered or intend to register in the A.A.S. Agronomy degree program
Minimum 2.00 GPANote: Preference for awarding may be given to Putnam County High School graduates.
Jack and Kathy Cantlin and the Cantlin Law Firm - $500
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
2023 high school graduate from either Serena Community Unit 2, Earlville Community Unit 9, Ottawa Township, Marquette Academy, Mendota, L-P Township High Schools
Resident of LaSalle County
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
The Cantlin Law Firm/Jack & Kathy Cantlin - $500
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
Demonstrated leadership abilities and school or community service involvement
Pursuing a career in agriculture, education or law
Compeer Financial - $1,250 (2)
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
Studying agriculture, or an agriculture-related degree / certificate
Reside in Compeer’s 144-county territory
Davis Family Agriculture - $4,500 renewable (5)
2023 IVCC district high school graduate, home-school or GED graduate or first-time IVCC attendee
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
Minimum 2.50 GPA
Dieken Agriculture - $2,000
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
2023 Streator Township High School graduate and a Streator resident
Applicant must be or intend to register in either degree program A.A.S. Agricultural Business Management or A.A.S. Agronomy
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
Minimum 2.45 GPA
Illini State Bank - $500
2023 high school graduate or first-time IVCC attendee
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
Minimum 2.50 GPA
Note: Preference for awarding may be given to residents from Lostant, Oglesby, or Tonica
McDonnell Farms - $500
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
Minimum 3.00 GPA
NOTE: Preference may be given to applicant with farming background (currently lives or grew up on a farm or membership in any ag-related clubs)
NOTE: If chosen as a recipient, enrollment in one agriculture course (AGR) is required.
Joseph Segaert Memorial - $500
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
Ralph & Loraine Scriba - $500
Pursuing an agriculture-related career
Minimum 2.25 GPA
O.J. Stoutner - $1,000
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
Resident of LaSalle County or Bureau County
Pursuing a career in agriculture, finance or political science
Minimum 2.50 GPA
J. Davis & Mary G. Small - $1,000
Resident of an IVCC district county
Sophomore status (30+ credit hours completed at IVCC by end of Spring 2023)
Minimum 2.50 GPA
Intentions of transferring to a four-year institution to earn an undergraduate degree in agriculture
NOTE: Preference may be given to applicant who is currently active or previously participated in ag-related organizations or clubs.
Robert A. & Perley Strong - $1000
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
IVCC district resident
Planning to enroll or currently enrolled in agriculture courses
Minimum 3.00 GPA
Clarence J. Trompeter Agriculture - Tuition and Fees (fall and spring semester)
Current IVCC student (high school students excluded)
Resident of LaSalle County
Applicant must be or intend to register in the A.A.S. Agricultural Business Management or Agronomy degree program for the awarded year.
Applicant must be registered or intend to register in the A.S. degree with agriculture courses completed or registered for the awarded year. -
Minimum 3.00 GPA
Utica Garden Club - $500
(part-time enrollment status eligible)
Intentions of transferring to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor's degree with an emphasis in horticulture or agriculture
Minimum 3.00 GPA
NOTE: Preference may be given to applicant with agriculture background.
NOTE: If no applicant meets eligibility requirement 1, then the following disciplines are accepted, but not limited to: agronomy, biochemistry, botany, ecology, entomology, environmental studies, forestry, microbiology, plant pathology, pest control, soil conservation, soil science or waste management.
*IVCC Foundation scholarship award amounts vary based upon available funds. The IVCC Foundation has the authority to not award any scholarship posted within the website or listed in any publication.

In July 2020, construction of an agricultural storage and routine maintenance building was completed on IVCC’s campus. The 60 x 100-foot building will house tractors, tillage tools, planters and other high-tech ag equipment to be used by students and faculty on the college’s 150-acre farm. The building represents Phase I of the Ag Complex. Phase II includes a building for the program which will hold agriculture classroom and lab spaces, faculty offices, and student collaboration space. To learn more, visit the Agriculture Complex website.
November 1st: IVCC Fall Ag Open House and Transfer Day
Stay tuned for more information!
November 7th: Ag Job and Internship Fair
Stay tuned for more information!
November 20th: IVCC Fall Explore Open House
Register here to attend the fall explore event and come our program coordinators at the Ag booth!
Ag Club
The Ag Club is a student organization associated with the agriculture program at IVCC. Its purpose is to enrich knowledge of agriculture through activities, leadership, and involvement. Members plan fundraisers and community events, attend socials, and compete at the Professional Agriculture Student (PAS) Organization annual conference. All IVCC students are invited to join Ag Club, regardless of their affiliation with the agriculture program.

Ag Ambassadors
IVCC Ag Ambassadors are student representatives who attend agriculture networking and recruitment events to share their IVCC Ag experience with the community and future students. Ag Ambassadors are selected from student applicants who are eager to share a student student perspective on how a degree or certificate from IVCC Ag can and has helped them achieve their goals.
Professional Agriculture Student (PAS) Organization
IVCC Ag Club members are also members of the PAS Organization. PAS prepares collegiate agriculture students for the workforce through employment experience programs, networking opportunities, and organizational activities. Students can participate in PAS competitions at local, state, and national levels.
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Judging Conference
Students in the IVCC Ag program have the opportunity to participate in the annual NACTA Judging Conference. This conference is a national event that has been hosted in Nebraska, California, Idaho, and in 2025 will be hosted by West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. Students apply their knowledge and compete with participants from across North America in categories including crops, livestock management, dairy cattle, soils, and more.
Collegiate Farm Bureau / Farm Bureau Young Leaders
The Farm Bureau Young Leaders Program provides opportunities for individuals ages 18-35 to fuel their passion for agriculture. Members have the opportunity to attend various statewide events to enhance their Illinois Farm Bureau experience. They also have the opportunity to participate in the Collegiate Farm Bureau (CFB) program. CFB bridges the gap between participation in high school ag programs and future involvement as an Illinois Farm Bureau member. CFB members are provided opportunities for networking, professional development, and leadership through community service, agriculture education, and advocacy opportunities. IVCC Ag Club collaborates with the LaSalle County Farm Bureau Young Leaders and aims to form a Collegiate Farm Bureau chapter.

Earn and Learn Flyer Earn and Learn Application
Selected IVCC students will be given the opportunity to work for GRAINCO FS or AgView FS while studying agriculture at IVCC. These opportunities include tuition reimbursement, paid internships, and summer jobs. Upon graduation from IVCC, students will be guaranteed three years of employment with GRAINCO FS or AgView FS and the opportunity to begin a career with the company.
Application deadline for the Fall 2024 semester is closed, but we encourage you to review the previous earn and learn application containing the program details and contact IVCC Agriculture program coordinators with any questions.
Willard Mott
Agriculture Instructor & Program Co-Coordinator
Phone: 815-224-0413
Dr. Jennifer Timmers
Agriculture Instructor & Program Co-Coordinator
Phone: 815-224-0495