Student Field Trips and Travel
Students Representing IVCC Organizations When Traveling
When trips are to be made by students representing the college or IVCC organizations, approval must be secured from the Coordinator of Student Activities. Requests should be submitted on a Travel Form (available through the Accounting Office in C-345 or Career Services in CTC-203), stating purpose, place, dates of travel, and any expenses and documentation that needs to accompany the form. This application must be submitted at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the trip. The conditions to be met are: A list of all members making the trip must be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Activities prior to departure. Release and Discharge for Field Trips or Off-Campus Activities form must be completed prior to the trip and submitted to the Coordinator of Student Activities with a copy for Campus Security. Student leaders as well as members and advisors must also take responsibility for behavior while on trips. The Student Code of Conduct applies to off-campus activities. Definite understanding should be reached regarding appropriate student behavior prior to departure. The college reserves the right to withhold permission for any trip if it is considered unsafe or not in the best interest of the college. Definite understanding should be reached regarding appropriate student behavior prior to departure. The college reserves the right to withhold permission for any trip if it is considered unsafe or not in the best interest of the college. All student travel must comply with the College’s Business Travel, Conference, and Meeting Expense policy.
Field Trips - Release and Discharge
A field trip release form is required for all field trips or off-campus activities that IVCC students participate in, except for athletic events associated with the IVCC Athletics Department.
Please have all students complete the field trip release form. Students under 18 years of age must have parental consent.
Leave a copy of the releases with Campus Security in case of an emergency and take your copies with you.
Off-Campus Organization Activities/Conferences
Organization sponsored activities or organization members representing the college at off-campus locations must secure prior approval for the occasion from the Coordinator of Student Activities:
- Without approval, the event cannot be considered an authorized college activity.
- The college liability insurance does not extend to or include coverage to unapproved off-campus student or organization activities.
- All students participating in the off-campus activity/conference must complete a Release and Discharge for Field Trips or Off-Campus Activities form prior to the event and submitted to the Career Services Office with a copy for Campus Security.
Organization events or activities scheduled off-campus, where the general IVCC student body is invited (such as dances) require that police be hired for crowd and traffic control. The number of police needed will be determined by the activity and its location. The sponsoring organization advisor and student officers should confer with the Coordinator of Student Activities.