Financial Aid Resources and Links
Helpful Phone Numbers
For financial aid information, please feel to contact the IVCC Financial Aid Office at IVCC: (815) 224-0438.
Federal Financial Aid Information Hotline: 1-800-433-3243 (1-800-4-FEDAID)
Illinois State Financial Aid Information: 1-800-899-4722 (1-800-899-ISAC)
Veterans Benefit Information: 1-888-442-4551
Local Resources
Business Employment Skills Team (BEST): Offers educational assistance (tuition, books, transportation), child care, tutoring, guidance and support, job placement assistance, and training assistance to students who have experienced employment dislocation (e.g., plant closing, lay-off, etc.). Contact Lisa Cofoid on campus at (815) 224-0370 or Room C-328 or call:
- Ottawa: (815) 433-4550 NCI Works One Stop Center 1550 First Avenue (LaSalle County)
- Peru: (815) 224-1586 3691 Cougar Drive, Unit B (LaSalle County
- Princeton: (815) 872-0255 225 E. Backbone Road (Bureau County)
- Dixon: (815) 288-1260 Old Lee County Courthouse 112 E. Second Street, 3rd Floor (Lee County)
Illinois Department of Human Services: Offers educational assistance to students who have a physical or mental disability that is a handicap to employment.
- LaSalle: (815) 224-1314
Illinois Valley Services: Offers career planning, parenting and job search skills, plus financial assistance for tuition, books, and travel to single parents, single pregnant women, and displaced homemakers.
- Illinois Valley Community College: (815) 224-0347