Board of Trustees Consolidated Election
Complete election informaton can be found on the State Board of Elections website at All candidates must check the election guidelines as the Local Election Offical can neither confirm nor deny if all of the documents are present and completed correctly at the time of submission. Prospective candidates are advised to seek legal counsel as to their qualifications for office, the proper method for completing petition forms with respect to the office sought, as well as other mandatory requirements. The County Clerk's office nor the Local Election Official can give legal advice.
IVCC Board Candidate Forum
Wednesday, March 5
12-1:30 pm
CTC 124-125
Candidates Bill Hunt, Marlene Moshage, and Todd Volker will participate
The Forum will be open to students, employees, the public, and the press.
Moderators will be student leaders.
Questions will be submitted by the audience on index cards; the moderators will choose which questions to ask. The candidates will have time for opening and closing remarks (3 min each) and 2 minutes each to answer questions.
The Forum will be included as a Women's History Month Event and as an IVCC 100 Event.
Student Organization Sponsors: Student Government Association, College Democrats, College Republicans, Hispanic Leadership Team, Socrates Cafe (D322), Project Success Leadership Team, Rotaract Club
Timetable of election deadlines
The dates in this calendar are calculated in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 103-0586 (effective May 3, 2024) and Public Act 103-0600 (effective July 1, 2024) which shifted the candidate filing periods and related dates for most offices up by 28 days.
Simultaneous Filing Lottery
When two or more petitions are simultaneously filed for the same office as of the opening hour of the filing period (typically 8:00 AM) or within the last hour of the filing deadline (typically 4:00 – 5:00 PM), the local election official shall break ties and determine the order of filing by means of a lottery or other fair and impartial method of random selection approved by the State Board of Elections.
The lottery is being conducted within nine days after the last day of the petition filing period and is open to the public. The local election official has given seven days’ written notice of the time and place of the lottery to the candidates involved, as well as posting the notice in a conspicuous open and public place.
The official notice has been posted and can be found here.
Local Election Official
Sandra Beard, Executive Assistant to the President, has been designated as the local election official.
Number of open positions
Two six-year Trustee terms are up for election.
Filing period
Petitions for the office of Illinois Valley Community College Trustee are to be filed in the Local Election Official's office, C301, between November 12 and November 15 during the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. On the last day of filing, November 18, 2024, hours to file are from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. The following documents must be on file and properly notarized:
- Statement of Candidacy
- Nominating Petition Sheets totaling 50 or more signatures
- Receipt for filing a Statement of Economic Interest with the County Clerk specifically for the office of IVCC trustee
- Certificate of Deletions - if applicable
- Loyalty Oath – optional
Information and Forms
- Candidates Guide for 2025 can be found on the State Board of Elections website at The State Board of Elections is the governing body providing oversight and all election directives.
- Prospective Candidate letter
- Timetable of Election Deadlines
- Election Guidelines
- Community College Trustee Information
- Statement of Candidacy
- Petitions for Nomination
The nominating petition sheets must total 50 or more signatures. - Statement of Economic Interest
The Statement of Economic Interest is required by the Governmental Ethics Act and is to be filed with the County Clerk, the principal office of the unit of government. This document must indicate the position for which the candidate is filing the statement of economic interest. The document must be filed on or before November 18, 2024 with the LaSalle County Clerk's office and the receipt must be filed on or before this date with the Local Election Official who received the candidate’s nomination papers. - Certificate of Deletions - if appliable
- Loyalty Oath - optional
- Frequently Asked Questions