Real Estate
Register Online Now for Real Estate Brokeror call the IVCC Admissions Office 815-224-0447 to enroll by phone in REA-1200-300.
Real Estate Broker Pre-License
In-Person I 75 Hours | 6 Credit Hours
This course provides students with instruction in real estate fundamentals. Students
are required to attend all sessions which include introduction to the license law
and real property, basics of agency, seller and buyer relationships and counseling,
local, state and federal laws, brokerage, property management, leases, independent
contractor and employee status, financing, contracts and title records, transactions,
etc. This course is appropriate and required for anyone interested in obtaining a
broker license in Illinois. This course fulfills the education requirements for obtaining
an Illinois Real Estate Broker license. Offered in partnership with the Illinois Realtors
Licensing and Training Center and Illini Valley Association of Realtors. Please note:
If you have any disabilities that require special accommodations, please identify
those special needs.
To obtain an Illinois real estate license, you must be at least 18 years old, have a Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, and have a high school diploma or G.E.D. certificate. If you have any disabilities that require special accommodations, please identify those special needs.
Scholarships and GI Bill Tuition Reimbursement for Veterans may be available through the Illinois Board of Realtors. For more information visit
This course is eligible for IVCC's payment plan available through the IVCC Cashier's Office. Contact 815-224-0213 for more information.
Textbooks are required and available at the IVCC Bookstore.
Tue I 6-10 p.m. I Jan 14-May 6
Sat I 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. I Mar 29 & May 3
18 Sessions I Carol Wlodarchak
E-213, IVCC I REA-1200-300 I $895
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