IVCC Student Course Feedback
Course Feedback Schedule
- Course surveys are administered at approximately week 5 of the 8 week term and approximately week 11 of the 16 week term.
- All pre-tenure full-time, part-time, and dual credit faculty have course evaluations administered each fall and spring semester.
- Tenured full-time faculty have course surveys administered according to the Post-Tenure Review procedures. Deans will be contacted approximately 3 weeks prior to the start of the evaluation period for names of faculty and courses to be surveyed.
Fall 2024 Surveys Administered; Results Available
- 1st 8 week classes - September 18-25; October 16
- 14 and 16 week classes - October 30-November 6; December 18
- 12 week and 2nd 8 week classes - November 13-20; December 18
Spring 2025 Surveys Administered; Results Available
- 1st 8 week classes - February 19-26; March 5
- 14 and 16 week classes - April 2-9; May 16
- 12 week and 2nd 8 week classes - April 16-23; May 16
What is the Student Course Feedback Survey?
Students are invited to complete course feedback surveys for selected instructors after the middle of the term. The online survey is 14 questions long and should take about 8 minutes to complete. Surveys are anonymous and instructors do not see the results until a week after grades have been submitted.
What is on the Survey?
See the Student Course Feedback Survey.
How do students access the surveys?
- Student Email - Students receive an email sent to their IVCC email address the first day of the survey with a link that takes them directly to the survey.
- Brightspace – Students see a notification with a button to Go to My Survey or Do It Later. The notification disappears after they complete their surveys.
- Students who have not completed their surveys receive an email reminder every day until they complete the survey or the survey ends.
When can I see the results?
Surveys are administered after midterm.
Deans can access Course Feedback Results for Report Administrators the day after the survey ends.
Faculty can access Course Feedback Results for Instructors after grades are due.
How can I improve response rates?
At least 50% of the students in each class need to respond to the survey to provide meaningful data. Below are ways to improve response rates:
- Once the survey period starts let students know they should check their IVCC email or visit Brightspace to complete their surveys.
- Monitor the response rates each day of the survey. To monitor response rates, Deans and instructors can log into Brightspace click on the link to access your survey dashboard. To access the Response Rate Tracker, navigate to: Results > Response Rate Tracker. Click on the project name to view the course-level response rates.
- Let students know the survey is 14 questions long and should take about 8 minutes to complete.
- Consider giving students time in class to complete the mobile-friendly survey on their own devices.
- Remind students that evaluations are completely anonymous, and instructors do not see this feedback until after final grades have been submitted.
- Let students know that you value their honest and constructive feedback and that you will use their feedback to make improvements to your course.
- Explain that instructors will read the course feedback, but that other college administrators may read them too.
Who do I contact with questions?
Course Survey Administrator, Ellen_Evancheck@ivcc.edu, 815-224-0396.
Students can contact the Student Help Desk.