Project Success

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 Project Success

PS Alumni Survey Meet the Project Success Staff Services Activities History PS Leadership Team Faces of TRIO IGrad
Ashton Watkins
  Ashton Watkins
Project Success Most Outstanding Participant, 2024


You may be eligible to receive services from Project Success if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • First Generation College Students: You are considered "first generation" if neither of your parents (or the parent you live with) received a four-year baccalaureate degree prior to your 18th birthday.
  • Low Income Students: You must have a FAFSA on file to document your financial need. If you qualify to receive federal financial aid, the chances are good that you would qualify as a "low income" student.
  • Students with Disabilities: Project Success serves student with physical, learning, and other disabilities.  Documentation of your disability must be provided to us.

Apply Now!

Online Application




Academic Workshops


campus visit

Campus Visits



Counseling Services





cultural event

Cultural Events


 study area

Computer Lab & Study Area

financial literacy

Financial Literacy Workshops


Mission Statement

The mission of Project Success is to assist, support and empower students in achieving their academic goals and life-long successes. Project Success provides a comprehensive program promoting student retention, graduation and transfer rates while fostering a campus climate that is inclusive and diverse. Students are assisted in determining their strengths and limitations, assessing their interests, and planning a systematic program of educational, social, and personal development.

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