Associate's of Applied Science in Nursing

Nursing at IVCC

RN Guidesheet Nursing Career Ladder Handbook Nursing Admissions Web Page LPN-RN Bridge Program Application

What is Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)?

The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) prepares students to deliver nursing care in a variety of healthcare environments. The two-year program begins every fall, and prepares students for direct placement into the workforce, or to transfer into a partnering bachelor's degree program (BSN). The ADN allows an individual to become licensed and practice as a registered nurse (RN).

IVCC's Nursing Program is designed so that students can become Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) after the first year, if they choose, allowing them to secure professional employment as they finish their second year to earn their associate degree.

RN Cap and Pin

Program Options

Illinois Valley Community College’s Associate Degree Nursing Program can completed in four semesters or two years. IVCC's Nursing Program is also designed so that students can become Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) after the first year, with the addition of a summer semester, if they choose, allowing them to secure professional employment as they finish their second year to earn their associate degree with our Career Laddering Program. After the completion of the required courses, you will receive an Associate's of Applied Science in Nursing.  See the Plan of Study here.

Features of the Program

IVCC’s Nursing Program prepares you for an active role in health-care through classroom, laboratory, and hands-on and virtual experiences in the Nursing Simulation Lab, the Nursing Skills Lab, and clinical placements at area hospitals, where highly experienced and qualified nursing professionals collaborate and work with nursing students and their nursing instructor.

Graduates of IVCC's ADN Program are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Pass rates on the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN for the 2023 ADN and LPN graduates have a 95% and 100% pass rate, respectively, on board certified exams due to the robust curriculum, rigor of the program, quality of faculty and hard work of nursing students.


IVCC tuition is just one-third to one-fourth the cost of state universities and far below most private institutions. An approximation of tuition and fees and cost comparison can be found on the IVCC website at and at
Many scholarship opportunities are available through the IVCC Foundation at and Financial Aid is available for those who qualify at aid.


 ACEN SealIllinois Valley Community College's Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program is approved by   the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (1-888-473-4858)

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at Illinois Valley Community College, at Oglesby Campus, located in Oglesby, IL is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400   
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000 

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree nursing program is Continuing Accreditation. 

The Board of Commissioners granted continuing accreditation to the associate nursing program and scheduled the next evaluation visit for Spring 2031.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at

IVCC Program Statistics for the Past 3 Years

                                                                     2022                      2023                          2024
NCLEX PASS RATES (RN)                            84 %                     92 %                         93%
NCLEX PASS RATES (PN)                            70%                     100%                         100%
PROGRAM COMPLETION RATES                  51%                      55%                           55%
JOB PLACEMENT RATES                             91 %                     100%                         100%

What Does the Future of Nursing Look Like?

Bright! Registered nurse employment is projected to grow 15% from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for other occupations.  This can be attributed to an increasing emphasis on preventative healthcare, the increasing number of individuals who live with chronic illness, and the aging population of the current nurse work force evolving into retirement.

What Types of Job Opportunities are there for Nurses?

The vast majority of the current nurse workforce work at the client bedside providing care and treatments. But the opportunities for nurses to seek other challenging employment are many.  Other settings in which nurses are employed are:

  • Community Health 
  • Long-term and Assisted Care Facilities
  • Correctional Facilities
  • Home Health
  • Public and Private Schools
  • Nursing Education
  • Primary Healthcare Providers offices and clinics
  • Industry         

I want to know more! Who can I contact?

Here are some recommendations for how to find out more information about IVCC.

  • See a counselor!  They can explain intricate details of the program and help potential nursing students to plan their course of study.
  • Attend an informational session!  Four informational sessions are held during the fall and spring semesters and are open to the public.  See below for dates, times and locations.

Nursing Information Sessions ?

Visit the Nursing Admissions web page for current session dates.

Program Contacts


Heather Seghi

Heather Seghi

Dean of Health Professions
Office: A-217
Sue Smith

Sue Smith

Director of Nursing
Office:  B-219

Kelli Shan

Administrative Assistant
Office:  A-214

Student Forms

Program of Improvement Form Needs for Professional Development Form Critical Incident Form Student Justification Form Intent to Return Form Nursing Admissions Appeal Form