Human Subject Research Review Board

The Institutional Research office oversees IVCC's HSRRB.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Subjects Research at IVCC has the responsibility to oversee procedures for carrying out the college's commitment to protect human subjects in research. The role fo the IRB is to review proposed research projects that involve the use of human subjects; ensure that the individuals involved in the project are treated ethically; ensure that all subjects are provided with substantial information about the study and consent to be a subject in the study; and that all private information will be handled with confidentiality. The IRB is authorized to review, approve, require modifications in, or disapprove research activities conducted by or through the college using human subjects.

The IRB does not assume the role of evaluating the soundness of the proposed research study, the merits of the research design, nor the potential contribution of the research to the scholarly literature. Rather, the IRB is charged with evaluating each project's compliance with ethical standards in regards to issues such as informed consent, confidentiality, and any risk to the participants.

Committee Members

Dr. Kathy Hart (Chair) - Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. Sue Caley Opsal - Anatomy and Physiology Instructor
Dr. J.D. Chavez - External Member
Chris Herman - Director of Project Success
Keith King - Biology Instructor
Betsy Klopcic - Psychology Instructor
Dr. Vicki Trier - Vice President for Academic Affairs

IVCC's HSRRB Guidelines (PDF)
Form: Sample Informed Consent (PDF)
Form: Request to Conduct Human Subjects Research (PDF)
Form: Request to Continuing Approval (PDF)

US Department of Health and Human Services - Office for Human Research Protections