Dr. Richard Mangold
Psychology/Sociology Instructor

Office MWF 7:00 am to:8:00 am at the Oglesby Campus and MW 12:00 to 1:00 at the Ottawa
CampusBecause of the coronavirus crisis we will be doing coursework online for the time being. I have created Facebook Groups for each course so ALL Psych 1000 sections are in one FB Group and there will be one for Soc 1000, Soc 1002 and Psych 2006.
In order for you to have access to your lectures, notices, and tests you MUST join the FB Group for your class. They are closed groups. Once you send a request to join I will add you and you will have access to the files and videos I will post. I have not decided how to do tests but I will let you know.
As a result, until I let you know, DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS. I will be there working but you only need to keep up with the readings, view the videos and submit your work in a timely manner. I will be generous with time and I trust that you will do your work independently unless otherwise indicated. If you have questions PLEASE email me at IVCC (rick_mangold@ivcc.edu). I will get back to you as quickly as humanly possible.
Here are the IVCC FB Groups:
IVCC Mangold Psych 1000 Spring 2020
IVCC Mangold Soc 1000 Spring 2020
IVCC Mangold Soc 1002 Spring 2020
IVCC Mangold Psych 2006 Spring 2020
This is all new for everyone so please be patient with me and I will be with you!!
Psych 1000 - General Psychology
- Syllabus
- Code of Ethics
- Reading list
Psych 2000 - Personality Psychology
- Syllabus
- Code of Ethics
- Reading list
Soc 1002 - Marriage and Family
- Syllabus
- Code of Ethics
- Reading list
ALH 1002 - Human Development
- Syllabus
- Code of Ethics
- Reading list