Curricular Process at IVCC

The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to provide guidance, advocacy and oversight of the curriculum offered at Illinois Valley Community College. Curriculum development and revisions begins at the departmental level, moves to the divisional level, and then to the Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee reviews, evaluates, and takes action on all proposed curricula (new courses, certificates, and degrees) and curricular changes, and reports required changes to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) for final approval.

Curriculum Request

Curriculum Committee Documents

IVCC Curriculum Management Manual- DRAFT Master Course Outline Rationale Form Proposal for New Course Approval Curriculum Process Cheat Sheet Proposal for Change of Existing Course Form


ICCB Forms

The Dean and faculty member will work together to complete the required forms and submit to the VPAA and/or their representative to submit to ICCB for approval.


Form 20

Application for Permanent Approval
Form 20

A Form 20 is submitted to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) to request approval for new degrees or certificate programs, ensuring they meet state requirements for feasibility, curriculum quality, cost, and occupational demand. This application must be completed in full and include Form 22 for curriculum changes, with a single submission used for closely related AAS and certificate programs when applicable.


Form 21

Reasonable and Moderate Extension Request
Form 21

A Form 21 is submitted to request the creation of a new certificate or AAS option when the new program is closely related to an existing "parent program." This allows IVCC to develop specialized AAS options or certificate programs by primarily using courses from the parent program while incorporating a limited number of new or different credit hours to meet specific industry or student needs, ensuring compliance with ICCB Rule 1501.302(d)2 d and e.


Form 22

Curriculum Addition, Withdrawal, Change or Reactivation
Form 22

Modifications requiring submission of the Form 22 (electronic) submission include:

  1. Prefix
  2. Course number
  3. Title
  4. Credit hours
  5. Contact hours
  6. CIP Code

Curriculum Committee Responsibilities include:

  1. Review and revise procedures associated with curriculum development.
  2. Provide guidelines and criteria for the development of new courses and new certificate and degree programs.
  3. Develop a yearly schedule for approvals to meet schedule and catalog timelines.
  4. Provide input and feedback to faculty during the development of new proposals.
  5. Review, evaluate, and approve proposed curricula and curricular changes.
  6. Review program proposals for presentation to IVCC Board of Trustees and in terms of meeting ICCB requirements for approval.
  7. Evaluate the impact of curricular proposals on resources and other curricula of the college.
  8. Evaluate the effectiveness of related activities and recommend improvements.
  9. Assure program and course assessment is appropriately addressed in the course and program proposal and revision process.
  10. Assure course compliance with college, ICCB, and HLC protocols (e.g., credit hours, seat time, etc.).

Curriculum Committee Members include:

Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs

Voting Member Title

Voting Member

Administrative Co-Chair

Heather Seghi

Faculty Co-Chair

Renee Prine

Director of Financial Aid

Isamar Taylor


Missy Killian

NSB Faculty

Carmen Hartford

NSB Faculty

Amber Fox

HFASS Faculty

Jean Forst

HFASS Faculty

Betsy Klopcic

WFD Faculty

Michelle Story

WFD Faculty

Greg Whightsil

HP Faculty

Lyndsey Beetz

HP Faculty

Kaity Ritter

Ex Officio Member Title

Ex Officio Member

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Vicki Trier

Transfer Coordinator

Crystal Credi

Administrative Assistant for VPAA

Polly Ragazincky

Administrative Assistant for Admin Co-Chair

Kelli Shan

Assessment Committee Representative


Degree Audit

Sarah Goetz

Collection Development and Access Librarian Representative

Sarah Stevenson

Dean of Health Professions

Heather Seghi

Dean of Workforce Development

Rebecca Zamora

Dean of Natural Science and Business


Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Science

Lirim Neziroski

Membership and Rotation Schedule

Faculty Co-Chair and faculty members will be on a 2-year rotation that runs from August to May. Self- or peer-nominations for membership should be submitted for at the May meeting, if possible.  If nominations are not received, current member can be granted another term. Faculty members in the same division should rotate on alternate years.

Curriculum Committee Meeting Dates

  • October 7 Meeting -- Materials Due Sept. 23 
  • November 4 Meeting -- Materials Due Oct. 21 
  • December 2 Meeting -- Materials Due Nov. 18. This is also deadline for first look of new certs/degrees 
  • No January Meeting 
  • February 3 Meeting -- Materials Due Jan. 21. New Degree/Certs must be approved by this meeting to make Fall 25 Catalog 
  • March 3 Meeting -- Materials Due Feb. 18* 
  • April 7 Meeting -- Materials Due March 24* 
  • May 5 Meeting -- Materials Due April 21* 

*Any approvals for new courses/certs/degrees will not make it into the College Catalog until Fall 2026. 

IVCC Resources

Understanding the Curriculum Process

Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Resources

ICCB Academic Affairs Resources ICCB Faculty Qualifications Requirement ICCB Administrative Rules Program Approval Manual (July 2023)