Zoom Session Best Practice Recommendations

Updated April 18, 2022

You may have optimized your Zoom settings to get a good technical experience for your class, but what about Zoom etiquette and getting the most out of your class session?  Consider these suggestions from the IVCC Distance Learning Committee.

  • Name: There are various reasons why a student's display name might different from name on the roster.  If you have a name display requirement, consider requiring only first name in Zoom.  If a student's preferred name differs from the name on the roster, coordinate with the student so you know the student is present using a preferred name instead of the name on the roster.  More on customizing your Zoom profile, including display name.
  • Video:  There are various reasons why a student does not want to display surroundings in a Zoom video. Consider not requiring video or providing students with the Zoom support link for using a blurred background.  A student's video capabilities may also be limited by the capacity of the internet connection.  Students with slow internet connections or who are sharing internet connection with other users in a household may have difficulty with video in Zoom.
  • Student Engagement:  You may realize students off camera seem less engaged.  Consider using polling or non-verbal responses to engage students even when you cannot see them.
  • Recording and Privacy:  Please review our guidelines for recording and privacy and the recommended syllabus statement if you record Zoom sessions.