All instructors should give final exams or hold a class session during scheduled exam period. Any exceptions must be approved by the Dean.
Classes starting at or after 4:00 p.m. are considered evening classes. Examinations
for evening classes should be given during the evening exam period as indicated on
the final exam schedule.
Students scheduled for more than two exams on any one day should contact their instructors
to facilitate an alternate exam schedule.
Letter Grades and Incomplete Guidelines
Letter grades, “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F”, should be awarded based on student performance
as defined in the instructor’s syllabus.
Instructors may also assign an incomplete with an “I,” and a date to complete the
coursework by, dependent upon faculty policy, and in accordance with the dates specified
by the Director of Admissions and Records.
The IVCC Board Policy on incomplete grades states, in part: Incomplete is a temporary
grade assigned when illness, unavoidable absence, or other reasons satisfactory to
the instructor prevent completion of the course requirements by the end of the semester.
A grade of "I" must be removed as designated by the instructor, but not later than
the last class day of the semester following the issuance of the incomplete. If the
Incomplete is not made up by the last class day of the semester following the issuance
of the "Incomplete", the grade will revert to an "F." Summer session will not be considered
a semester for this policy.
Final Grades and Gradebooks
Final grades are due at 10 AM on the deadline date. The Admissions and Records office
communicates deadlines for each semester.
All faculty are expected to submit an electronic copy of the class grade book to the
Admissions office and to the division office. Email the Admissions copy to the Director
of Admissions and the division copy to your dean. Gradebooks are retained for Illinois
Community College Board (ICCB) auditing and for investigating student issues, if they