IVCC Guidance on Complying with FERPA in Distance Learning

FERPA and Merging Sections in Brightspace 

When course sections that do not meet together are merged into a single Brightspace course, instructors should take steps to ensure student privacy and compliance with theFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Specifically, students in courses with merged sections should not be permitted to see or interact with students in sections other than their own unless students physically meet in the same classroom at the same time.

Online Discussions in Brightspace

We recognize the academic merit of utilizing the discussion board function in Brightspace, but when multiple rosters are merged into one course, faculty must restrict the discussions to the course section. This can be done either by restricting the discussion by section or creating groups by section and using those groups for discussions.

Restrict a Discussion by Section 

  • In a course with merged sections go to the “Discussion” tool 
  • Create a new topic (You cannot edit an existing topic to restrict by sections or group) 
  • Open the “Availability by Dates and Conditions” section from the right-hand menu 
  • Select “Manage Restrictions” 
  • Select “Restrict topic and separate the threads” 
  • Chose “Sections” in the dropdown box 
  • Select Add 

Restrict a Discussion by Creating Groups

Recorded Lectures Distributed to Students in Other Sections

Faculty may send recorded lectures to students in multiple sections as long as section enrollment information is not included.

Invitations to Students to "Sit-In" on Class Sessions for Other Sections

Faculty may invite students to attend other sessions, with the caveat that the student's section enrollment is not listed (i.e., the student volunteering to sit in on the session is not identified with another session).

Test/Material Review Sessions Open to All Students

Faculty may invite students to attend group review/study sessions, as long as participation is not mandatory and section enrollment is not shared.