June 3, 2024 Facilities Committee Meeting

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 3, 2024 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

Angela M. Stevenson, Committee Chair

Jay K. McCracken

Maureen O. Rebholz

Committee Members Absent

Committee Members Virtually Present

Other Board Members Physically Present

Jane E. Goetz

Others Physically Present

Tracy Morris, President

Kathy Ross, Vice President for Business Services and Finance

Vicki Trier, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mary Beth Herron, Director of Human Resources

Eric Johnson, Controller

Michelle Carboni, Director of Auxiliary Services and Purchasing

Justin Denton, Director of Information Technology

Dominick Demonica, Demonica/Kemper Architects

Others Virtually Present


Ms. Stevenson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.





Ms. Ross highlighted the following project updates.

Capital Development Board (CDB) Projects

Upgrade Building Exterior

This project to prevent water infiltration and remediate damaged areas on the exterior of buildings on campus essentially done with a nine-month warranty meeting set for July 2024. Ms. Ross stated since the project came in under budget, approximately $266,000 will come back to IVCC and will be put back into the fund balance for future projects.

Parking Lot and Roadway Improvements

This project was approved as a CDB project but never funded. This project will be listed as the highest priority on the Deferred Maintenance List to be submitted to ICCB by June 30, 2024.


The projects identified for consideration by ICCB and the CDB for funding include:

Priority 1: Parking Lot and Roadway Improvements

As noted above.

Priority 2: C building restroom renovation

To update the plumbing and provide a single-use restroom option for the upper level as there is no current option for the CTC or building C upper-level.

Priority 3: Building C lighting panel replacement

To update the 23-year-old obsolete lighting control system.

Protection, Health, and Safety (PHS) Projects


Demonica Kemper Architects is still working with Lo Destro Contruction on issues with technology, lighting controls, automatic door opener, missing ceiling tiles, and a metal door frame that needs to be reworked.

Salt Shed

Close to being done.

Lighting and Security Camera Upgrades

Close to being done.

Loading Dock Upgrades

Bids are in the Board packet for June 6, 2024.

Building C Structural Repair and Waterproofing

Bids are in the Board packet for June 6, 2024.

Interior Lighting Replacement Phase I

This will be discussed during the presentation by Dominick Demonica on the Master Plan.

Other Projects

Indigenous People’s Interpretive Stations

Waiting for a design from Bluestone+Associates. They are hoping to have something to us by late June. Mr. McCracken referenced possible legislation on limitations on what can be displayed regarding Indigenous People. The possible legislation will be explored.

Grant Projects

Solar Bench

Funded by the IGEN grant. Arrived on campus last week. Not fully functional until the grounding rod is installed. The goal is to purchase three more in the future.

Distance Learning Grant

Progress is being made on getting the equipment and billing the participating high schools for their match. This will be discussed further in the presentation by Dominick Demonica on the Master Plan.


Mr. Demonica indicated the Master Plan is updated every 5 years through the ICCB mandate.

Process Components

  • Phase 1: Inventory and Assessment
  • Phase 2: Concept Development and Prioritization
  • Phase 3: Master Plan Development

Programmatic Needs

  • Focus groups held with internal departments/divisions, students, and internal and external partners.
  • Identified numerous programmatic needs across campus with many that could affect space.

Planning Objectives Identified

  • Campus Image
  • Campus Life Space
  • Learning-Centered Environment
  • Campus-Wide Wayfinding and Organization
  • Technology and Connectivity
  • Framework for Growth

Planning Priorities Identified

  • Lighting and Classroom Upgrades
  • Academic Support Center / Library / Assessment Center
  • Science Labs
  • Health Professions
  • Athletics/Fitness
  • Career and Technical Education Programs


Reviewed and discussed three options developed for renovating existing spaces as well as potential for new construction, if necessary.

It was moved by Dr. Rebholz and seconded by Mr. McCracken to adjourn the meeting at 4:57 p.m. until approximately 5:45 p.m. to tour the classrooms.


The committee and other attendees toured classrooms and other areas discussed in the presentation by Mr. Demonica on the Master Plan.

It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to return to the regular session at 5:49 p.m.


The committee discussed the direction to take on giving feedback on how Mr. Demonica should move forward with the development of the master plan.


  • Determine cost and timeline on safety items first.
  • Must address classroom upgrades for the Distance Learning Grant.
  • Create a short-term and long-term bucket of priorities.
  • Develop proposals for classroom upgrades with cost options: All, 25%, 50%, etc.


  • Create New Microbiology Lab/Practicals Lab/Tutoring
  • Relocate/Expand Assessment Center
  • Relocate IT Offices
  • Renovate (7) Classrooms for the Distance Learning Grant.

Other Discussion

  • Need to determine how much will be pulled from fund balance for the Ag building.
  • PHS Project for Interior Lighting Replacement Phase I for 1.2 million will do 7 classrooms but doesn’t include the cost of asbestos removal, furniture, and other costs that will not be covered by the PHS funds.
  • Determine if fund balance will be used for some improvements. If so, this will require Board approval.
  • Send presentation to the Board members not in attendance and give them an update and ask for feedback.
  • Bring to audit finance at the end of June to discuss how to pay for the priorities.




Ms. Stevenson declared the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.