IVCC-LPO Hall of Fame


The Illinois Valley Community College Foundation and Alumni Association honors the college’s most distinguished former students, faculty, staff and friends through its Hall of Fame.

The Foundation office welcomes nominations for The Hall of Fame and a selection committee chooses new members of the Hall.

The “Hall” honors the academic, fine arts, athletic or career achievements of alumni during their years at IVCC or LPO or in their personal or professional lives. In addition, the Hall recognizes individuals who may not have attended the college but who made a significant difference in the lives of IVCC students through their service or generosity.

In addition to recognizing the individuals, the Alumni Association hopes to inspire and enlighten current students and create a culture of achievement and excellence. We hope today’s students will aspire to one day be inducted into the Hall.

Nominees must have earned national, state or local renown for their accomplishments.

Nomination Information

Nominations are being accepted online. The online form is not savable. Be sure to have the information needed before completing the form. See Nomination Information Needed in the below link.

Nomination Information Needed For Submission

Online Nomination Form
Need a paper nomination form? Contact Susan Monroe at the contact information below.

Nominees will be retained and considered for induction in future years. Nominations can also be strengthened, updated and resubmitted.

For information, contact Susan Monroe, Alumni & Donor Relations Coordinator at susan_monroe@ivcc.edu or call (815) 224-0549.

Thank you for your support of Illinois Valley Community College, the IVCC-LPO Alumni Association and the IVCC Foundation.

Inductee Directory

Hall of Fame Inductees 2008-2016