Agriculture Complex

IVCC's Agriculture Complex construction is comprised of two phases:


Phase I - Ag Center

Phase 1 - Ag Center (view event and details below)

 Completed July 1, 2020
The Ag Center is a 60x100 building to store the ag program's state-of-the-art equipment such as tractors, planters and tillage tools.
Phase II - Classroom and Lab Building

Phase II - Ag Classroom and Lab

Phase II of the project includes a 6,838-square-foot  facility to house a soils/science lab, instructional lab, classroom and computer lab, conference room, student collaboration space and more.

Our Generous Donors 

A capital fundraising campaign will be kicking off soon and is off to a strong start thanks to an initial $50,000 gift made by Barbara Davis of Batavia in memory of her family’s farming history, particularly her grandparents Walley and Fannie Davis.

We're grateful to all of the campaign donors who believe in IVCC's Ag program, without whom the Agriculture Complex would not be possible. We look forward to Growing Forward together.

Are you interested in making a donation to the Agriculture Complex Capital Campaign? Contact IVCC Foundation Executive Director Tracy Beattie at (815) 224-0466 or email

Luke Lovgren
Luke Lovgren
"Being a part of the IVCC Ag Program has been an educational and rewarding experience over the last year as the program has continued to grow and develop with the dedication and support of program coordinators and the IVCC administration."
Luke Lovgren
'21 transfer to Illinois State University for ag business



Miriam Hoffman
Miriam Hoffman
"It's an exciting investment to make, being part of a new program. It's a great opportunity for a student leader like me to get involved and to help lead this program into success in the future."
Miriam Hoffman
'20 AA IVCC, transfer to Southern Illinois University-Carbondale to major in ag business economics


Ag Program Co-Coordinators

IVCC's Ag program co-coordinators are Willard Mott and Jennifer Timmers

Willard Mott

(815) 224-0413

B.S. in Agricultural and Environmental
Communications and Education from the University of Illinois; Certificate in Agronomy from Iowa State University; M.S. in Agronomy from Iowa State University; former ag instructor and FFA Advisor at Bureau Valley High School

Jennifer Timmers

 (815) 224-0495

Dr. Jennifer Timmers joined the IVCC Agriculture department as an instructor and program co-coordinator in the fall of 2022.  While not from a farming background, Jennifer was introduced to agriculture while working on her Bachelor's degree in Biology at Berea College where she worked on the college farm. This sparked an interest that resulted in her pursuit of her Master's in Agriculture from Western Kentucky University before moving to Florida to earn her Ph.D. in Agronomy from the University of Florida. Jennifer's primary agricultural interests lie in crop ecophysiology. Originally from Kentucky, she's excited to now be part of the thriving community of Illinois Valley Community College and is excited to help the Agriculture Department grow. 

Watch the full Ag Center Virtual Grand Opening event or catch just the highlights!

Full event remarks by:

  • IVCC President Jerry Corcoran

  • IVCC board chair Jane Goetz
  • Agriculture program co-coordinators Willard Mott and Kathryn Seebruck
  • IVCC Ag student Luke Lovgren
  • State Sen. Sue Rezin
  • State Rep. Lance Yednock


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