Podcast focuses on domestic violence awareness
Illinois Valley Community College’s most recent podcast covers Jacobs Library’s One Book, One College initiative and the domestic violence awareness event planned for October.
The podcast focuses on Domestic Violence Awareness Month with guests Grace Norris, IVCC's Electronic Resources Librarian, and Heather Steele, Safe Journeys Community Educator. Special Populations Transition Specialist, Crystal Credi, is the podcast host.
One Book, One College is collaborating with Safe Journeys of Illinois and Freedom House Illinois on the Clothesline Project, a t-shirt display to increase awareness of the impact of domestic and sexual violence. The display is open through October 31 near the Jacobs Library entrance.
Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/ivcceagles/one-book-one-college-october-events-2022 or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, or Amazon Music.