President to retire July 1
Dr. Jerry Corcoran, Illinois Valley Community College president since 2008, today announced his planned retirement on July 1.
Following a two-hour closed session retreat Monday night, trustees appointed former Seneca School Supt. Jim Carlson to serve as presidential search consultant.
In a message to employees this morning, Corcoran said, “I look forward to working with Dr. Carlson over the next 10 months leading up to my planned retirement on July 1, 2023.
“We have great people in key areas of the college including vice presidents, deans, directors, wonderful support staff and fantastic faculty. Every employee plays a role in student success.
“The five goals we set for this year will be achieved. It has been an honor and privilege to work with you,” he said.
By the time he leaves IVCC, Corcoran will have served 33 years including the last 15 as president. He was named IVCC’s 10th president March 18, 2008 and is the third longest serving. Only Dr. Al Wisgoski (1974-1996) and Dr. Francis Dolan (1947-67) served longer.
Major accomplishments of Corcoran’s tenure include:
- Construction of the $30.5 million Peter Miller Community Technology Center project
- Building the Truck Driver Training facility and Skill Path
- Opening the Ottawa Center satellite campus in 2010
- Raising nearly $4 million in private funding
- Renovation of the chemistry and biology labs
- Construction of a Student Life Center and cyber café (now Eagle Point Café)
- Revival of IVCC’s agriculture and criminal justice programs; and
- Establishment of new programs in cybersecurity, Medical Assistant and dental hygiene (opening fall 2023).
Corcoran started at IVCC in 1990 as director of the Dislocated Workers Center and later as director of purchasing before being named director of human resources. He then worked five years as Vice President for Business Services and Finance.
He lives on the Corcoran family farm north of Ottawa with wife Katherine.