Making Industry Meaningful In College, or MIMIC, is a nationally recognized curriculum project that places Illinois Valley Community College students from engineering design, electronics and business in teams to design, manufacture, market and sell a product. The student teams, called "companies," simulate an industrial company structure, allowing the students to experience a workplace environment in a classroom setting.
In 2005, IVCC received a National Science Foundation Grant (#0501885) to utilize the MIMIC project to build continuous quality improvement into the two-year technical programs in engineering design and electronics and to improve recruiting and retention.
Dorene Data, CAD/CAE Program Coordinator dorene_data@ivcc.edu
MIMIC Fair 2024
The on-campus MIMIC Fair is organized by students in the project, but all MIMIC students participate in the sale of their products.
MIMIC Fair Details:
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
9 am - 2 pm
Raffles at Every Station

- IVCC LED Night Light
- Multi-Tiered Plant Stand with Grow Lights
- Floating Coaster
- Plant Hanger
- Multi-Tiered Plant Stand with Grow Lights
- Illuminated Chess Game

Multi-Tiered Plant Stand with Grow Lights

Illuminated Chess Game
2024 MIMIC Products
The on-campus MIMIC Fair is organized by students in the project, but all MIMIC students participate in the sale of their products.

IVCC LED Night Light

Multi-Tiered Plant Stand
with Grow Lights

Macrame Plant Hanger

Starved Rock Topographical Rendering
MIMIC Past Years
The on-campus MIMIC Fair is organized by students in the project, but all MIMIC students participate in the sale of their products.
Student Classroom Information
Student Classroom Information