Janelle Gustafson
ECE Instructor

I teach a variety of ECE classes during Fall and Spring Semesters
FALL 2021: IVCC's ECE Program will host classes using HyFlex format beginning FA21. Courses listed as online remain as all online. Courses listed as blended, will be offered on campus, in person, while being livestreamed while being recorded. Courses listed as VCM (Virtual Class Meeting) will be offered through zoom and recorded. If you are a person working in childcare, please contact me about options that can best support you.
- Background checks will not be required for the FA21 semester since no outside observation hours will be occurring.
- If you have questions about courses you can take, please contact Tammy Landgraf at 815-224-0477 or tammy_landgraf@ivcc.edu or contact counseling at 815-224-0360.