Dr. Thomas J. McCormack

WHEREAS, in special recognition of distinguished service to LaSalle-Peru-Oglesby Junior College and the IVCC community, the Board of Trustees wishes to posthumously recognize Thomas J. McCormack, by honoring him with the title of President Emeritus; and

WHEREAS, Dr. McCormack was a Princeton University graduate and was recognized as one of the nation’s outstanding educators of his time; and

WHEREAS, Dr. McCormack served LPO as the first Director at the time when LPO was located at LaSalle-Peru Township High School from 1924 until the time of his passing in 1932; and

WHEREAS, Dr. McCormack’s leadership was fundamental to the founding of LPO and under his leadership, LPO grew from seven instructors and 32 students to 18 instructors and 146 students in 1932; and

WHEREAS, Dr. McCormack’s leadership in the formative years of LPO Junior College is memorialized by the honor of the McCormack Scholars, which are annually celebrated as the top students each year; and

WHEREAS, Dr. McCormack demonstrated professional competence, provided meritorious service, and upheld the highest standards for the College and championed the role of the College in the community; and

WHEREAS, Dr. McCormack was inducted into the inaugural IVCC-LPO Hall of Fame in 2008;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College that it approves the posthumous designation of President Emeritus for Dr. McCormack.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board herein extends its deepest appreciation to Dr. McCormack for his dedication and service to LPO Junior College and to the generations of community members who have been positively impacted by the College.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution was presented at the Investiture Ceremony on September 21, 2023 and will be noted in the permanent minutes of this Board meeting.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that President Emeritus status for Dr. McCormack hereunto will be listed on the website and identified in publications related to the history of the College and that the use of the title “President Emeritus” in community and professional activities may be allowed in reference to Dr. McCormack.

Effective this 9th Day of November, 2023