Dr. Rose Marie Lynch
WHEREAS, in special recognition of distinguished service to Illinois Valley Community College and the IVCC community, the Board of Trustees wishes to recognize Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, by honoring her with the title of Faculty Emerita; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Lynch was hired in 1970 to teach English and Journalism and serve as the student newspaper advisor, roles that she held for 32 years before retirement; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Lynch then served the College as an adjunct faculty member and grant writer/manager for another 12 years, for a total of 43.81 years of service to the College; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Lynch truly embodied integrity and excellence in the classroom and in her role as the advisor for the student newspaper, earning the honor of the Illinois Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation, the Illinois Community College Faculty Association Outstanding Faculty Member Award, Illinois Valley Community College Merit Award, and Illinois State Board of Education Connections Award; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Lynch collaborated across disciplines on the nationally-recognized Making Industry Meaningful In College (MIMIC) project which puts students into teams to design, produce and sell products, a model that led to National Science Foundation grant funding and dozens of published, peer-reviewed articles and global presentations including in Canada and China; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Lynch has demonstrated professional competence, provided meritorious service to the College, community and profession, and has upheld the mission, vision, strategic objectives and core values of the College during her employment, and has championed the role of the College in the community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community
College that it approves the designation of Faculty Emerita for Dr. Rose Marie Lynch.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board herein extends its deepest appreciation to Dr.
Rose Marie Lynch for her dedication and service to Illinois Valley Community College
and to the students, staff, and faculty members who have been positively impacted
by her over 40 years of service to the College.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution was presented for approval at the Board of Trustees meeting on December 12, 2024 and will be noted in the permanent minutes of this Board meeting.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Faculty Emerita status for Dr. Rose Marie Lynch hereunto will be listed on the website and identified in publications related to the history of the College and that the use of the title “Faculty Emerita” in community and professional activities may be allowed now and hereafter.
Effective this 12th Day of December, 2024