Mr. Lou Borio
WHEREAS, in special recognition of distinguished service to Illinois Valley Community College and the IVCC community, the Board of Trustees wishes to recognize Lou Borio by honoring him with the title of Administrator Emeritus; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Borio was hired in 1961 as a faculty member for LPO and was selected in 1967 as the co-chair of the Science Department and also served as a Dean for the College for a combined total of 34 years; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Borio was a dedicated faculty member and advocate for community college students, which is demonstrated by his seven National Science Foundation awards, his mentorship of at least five long-term IVCC faculty members, and his service as the first president of the AFT Local 1810; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Borio created the Raptor Rehabilitation program in 1988, which included obtaining the proper state and federal licensure to bring the great horned owl, Charlie, to our campus and assisting the program long after his retirement for IVCC and the community; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Borio served the College and the local community with extraordinary dedication as evidenced in 2005 when he and his wife Fran received the Volunteer of the Year award from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for working over 1,500 hours at the Starved Rock State Park Visitor Center.; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Borio has demonstrated professional competence, provided meritorious service and leadership to the College, community and profession, and has upheld the mission, vision, strategic objectives and core values of the College during his employment, and has championed the role of the College in the community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community
College that it approves the designation of Administrator Emeritus for Lou Borio.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board herein extends its deepest appreciation to Mr.
Borio for his dedication and service to Illinois Valley Community College and to the
students, staff, and faculty members who have been positively impacted by his over
34 years of service to the College.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution was presented for approval at the Board of Trustees meeting on February 19, 2025 and will be noted in the permanent minutes of this Board meeting.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Administrator Emeritus status for Lou Borio hereunto will be listed on the website and identified in publications related to the history of the College and that the use of the title “Administrator Emeritus” in community and professional activities may be allowed now and hereafter.
Effective this 19th Day of February, 2025