April 2022 Board Report
The Illinois Valley Community College board approved large scale IT purchases Thursday that will be financed by Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF).
As part of a four-year “technology refresh schedule,” IVCC will purchase 350 desktop computers with 24-inch monitors, 80 faculty laptops and 160 Hub Monitors for an estimated $453,000.
Going forward, IVCC will replace 25 percent of its computers and AV equipment annually, said interim IT director Jim Carlson.
IT is also creating seven-year plans to upgrade network and WIFI systems.
“I realize this is an enormous commitment and I applaud the administration and board for making this bold decision,” Carlson said. “The future of technology at IVCC is exciting – but we have a significant amount of work to do.”
In other action, the board approved:
- Participation in the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus, a fixed income investment program that aligns with state statutes.
- A $446,785 bid of Advanced Asphalt of Princeton for parking lot upgrades expected to begin in May.
- Purchase of a $65,052 FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) and HPLC (High-Pressure
Liquid Chromatography) system from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments of West Chicago.
The FTIR is used by organic chemistry and forensic science students to determine the chemical structures of compounds. The HPLC will be used in cannabis certificate courses to identify extracts from hemp and cannabis to ensure products meet legal requirements.
The purchases are covered by HEERF.
- Purchase of the Strada Collaborative including Credit Predictor Pro for $96,000 (also HEERF-funded). The partnership with Strada will enhance retention and completion rates for adults.
- Garrick Whitehead was hired as computer networking and information technology instructor. Whitehead has eight years teaching experience and 20 years of industry experience.
- IVCC Director of Human Resources Leslie Hofer will retire Aug. 31 after five years.
- Reimbursement of $93.60 in travel expenses to trustee Jane Goetz for attending ICCTA meetings March 11 and 12.
- Closed session meeting minutes from March 10.
Trustees learned:
- Incoming student trustee Austin Dille of Ottawa was introduced and outgoing student trustee Madison Miranda of DePue was recognized. Miranda will graduate May 14 with AA and AAS degrees and will transfer to Loyola University Chicago in fall to major in marketing.
- The first Medical Assistant commencement March 18 honored seven graduates. Medical assistants perform a combination of administrative and clinical tasks.
- Corcoran thanked outgoing Student Government Association (SGA) members Emme Bottom, Caroline Moskalewicz, Raven Bridges, Natalie Orozco, and Miranda for their service to students and IVCC.
- The electronic sign at Moyle and Orlando Smith Road has been reactivated and enhanced and the softball diamond has a scoreboard.
- A recruiting guide was published recently thanks to major contributions from Aseret Loveland, Samantha Manahan, Jennifer Heredia, SGA president Emme Bottom and alumnus Kaitlyn Anthony.
- The April 2 drive-through job fair attracted job seekers picking up packets containing openings at 35 employers. IVCC partnered with Business Employment Skills Team (BEST) and district chambers of commerce.
- Weather-permitting, an EMS medevac helicopter was to land near the softball diamond tonight as part of paramedic training. Emergency Medical Responders (EMR) and Emergency Medical Technicians-Basic (EMT-B) students were also expected to participate.
- Nursing instructors Chrissy Boughton and Tracey Antle spearheaded a donation drive for Illinois Valley PADS that generated a cart-load of supplies for the shelter.
- The Foundation’s April 6 Giving Day attracted more than 90 donors who contributed about $27,000.
- Employees Crystal Credi, Karen Gregorich, Kim Herout, Michelle Carboni and Sandy Beard recently prepared 70 food insecurity boxes for students in need.
- Regarding the April 9 passage of the state’s 2023 budget, Corcoran said, “The good
news for community colleges is it includes a 5 percent 2022 supplemental increase, that is also now in place for the 2023 budget.
“In addition, there is a 5 percent increase in funding for Adult Education and Career and Technical Education, and more money for MAP grants.”
- The Economic Development Corporation of North Central Illinois renewed its lease at IVCC for $4,284.
- IVCC will follow several other community colleges and close Monday, June 20 to observe Juneteenth National Independence Day.
- Part-time instructors Janet Kirk (CNA) and Jesse Rodriguez-Hammond (GED) resigned.
- IVCC English instructor Delores Robinson shared a AFT Local 1810 ‘spotlight’ on the student organization Gender and Sexuality Alliance. GSA serves the interests of the LGBTQIA+ community and is a welcoming and safe space for all people supporting gender and sexual diversity.
- Robinson also recognized retiring English instructor Randy Rambo. She closed with a tribute from colleague Dr. Kimberly Radek-Hall: “Randy has proved himself a mentor, a leader, and a good friend, demonstrating his intelligence, professionalism, and caring for others every day, in the classroom and out of it, on campus and off. The department will be diminished by his absence.”