February 2018 Board Report
Illinois Valley Community College nursing students recently earned excellent pass rates on the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX), board members learned Thursday.
IVCC Associate Degree Nursing graduates earned a 95 percent pass rate compared to the Illinois average of 86 percent and the national average of 87 percent, IVCC President Jerry Corcoran reported.
LPN graduates received a 100 percent pass rate compared to the Illinois average of 86 percent and national average of 84 percent.
Nursing program coordinator Julie Hogue said, “I cannot tell you how proud I am of the women I work with in the Nursing Department and how honored I am to work with all the men and women at IVCC. Together, we all do make a difference.”
IVCC graduates about 65 RNs and 30 LPNs each year. Following May graduation, graduates typically sit for the licensure exam in June. IVCC received the results from the state in late January.
In other business, the college approved a $3 per hour tuition increase beginning this summer.
The college’s combined credit hour and universal fee will remain below the state average. The new $133 per hour rate – an increase of 2.3 percent – remains significantly lower than the current $140.88 state average.
“Even with the increase, we continue to be well below the state average for community colleges, less than half the cost of Northern Illinois University and approximately one-fourth the cost of Illinois State and the University of Illinois – even before you start adding in all fees,” Corcoran said.
The increase, expected to generate approximately $174,000, is recommended in anticipation
of state funding remaining at 85 percent of 2015 levels – the year before the state budget impasse.
In addition, fee increases to 42 courses and fees for two new courses were approved.
The board also approved:
- A three-year contract extension with auditor Wipfli LLP of Sterling. Fees are $37,300 for 2018, $38,150 for 2019 and $39,050 for 2020. “Wipfli has been very thorough, responsive, and provided great service,” said Vice President for Business Services and Finance Cheryl Roelfsema.
- Purchase of 280 tons of rock salt from Morton Salt through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services at $48.40 per ton, delivered, for a total of $13,552.
- Designated the 2019 fiscal year for July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 and approved its budget calendar.
- Purchase of 38 tables for conference rooms C316, C325 and C326 from Mity-Lite for $7,256; 90 chairs for C316 from Henricksen for $13,041; and chairs and tables for Building B common areas from KI of Green Bay for $14,307.
- The retirement of Michael Sankovich, an accounting instructor since 1984, effective July 31. “Mike has been an outstanding instructor for over 34 years,” said Corcoran. Sankovich closed his retirement letter to Dean of Natural Sciences Ron Groleau saying, “My sincerest thanks to you and the college for providing me the opportunity to experience this incredibly rewarding career.”
- The retirement of Graphic Design Technology instructor Francie Skoflanc, also effective July 31. Corcoran said Skoflanc has been an outstanding instructor since 2000. In her retirement letter, Skoflanc said, “Over the past few years I have had the opportunity to work with a group of excellent instructors, supportive deans and administration and have seen many of my students go on to obtain jobs and become productive citizens.”
- Inactivated the college’s certificate in entrepreneurship due to unsustainable enrollments.
The board also learned:
- Dawn Watson has been appointed the administrative assistant for the Academic Affairs office. She had been administrative assistant in the business office.
- Eugene Schultz was appointed to IVCC’s maintenance department and part-time English instructor Janice Skeen announced her intent to resign.
- 161 fall graduates earned a total of 202 degrees and certificates compared to 220 graduates earning a total of 283 degrees and certificates in fall 2016.
- IVCC is one of the taxing bodies involved in discussions over a proposed downtown Marseilles TIF district. “For 16 years, our practice has been to work with others and strike a balance between doing everything we can to support economic growth, yet reminding everyone of our dependence upon the college’s tax base as a vital stream of operating revenue,” said Corcoran.
- The annual academic challenge Feb. 2 in the Dr. Mary Margaret Weeg Cultural Centre attracted 238 students from 11 high schools: Ottawa, LP, Streator, Seneca, Mendota, Hall, St. Bede, Midland, Putnam County, Marquette and LaMoille.
- The Jan. 23 Agriculture Night at the IVCC basketball games vs. Kishwaukee provided “great exposure for our new ag program,” said Corcoran. The new ag club raised $150 from concessions.
- At the close of Thursday’s meeting, board chair Jane Goetz and trustee Dr. Amy Boyles presented Director of Development Fran Brolley a $1,000 check for the IVCC Foundation. The check was the result of Goetz and Boyles being on the winning team at the Illinois Valley Federation of Labor’s 2018 Trivia Night.