September 2017 Board Report
The December 31 retirement of executive assistant to the President Jeanne Hayden, affiliated with Illinois Valley Community College for more than three decades, was announced by IVCC President Jerry Corcoran at Thursday’s board meeting.
An IVCC graduate, Hayden was selected executive assistant and named secretary to the board when President Jean Goodnow arrived in 1996. She was also the executive assistant to President Larry Huffman, interim Presidents Chuck Novak and Dave Louis, and has worked alongside Corcoran the past nine years.
In other business, the board approved:
Extending its lease with Marco, Inc., for 12 copiers for one year.
The bid of Rasix Computer Center of Chula Vista, Calif., for $22,238 for printing supplies.
Renewal of Cisco SmartNet Maintenance for the phone system, network hardware and software for $19,978 from Burwood Group.
Appointment of Chris Dunlap as Director of Information Technology Services following the retirement of Diann Jabusch. Dunlap has worked at IVCC over 20 years as associate director of networked systems and as a PC specialist.
Extended the appointment of Dr. Robyn Schiffman as Interim Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences through Dec. 31. The extension coincides with the ongoing reorganization of academic divisions, Corcoran said.
The board also learned:
Linda Hawkins of the counseling office retired Aug. 31.
Eileen Twardowski of the Financial Aid office will retire Dec. 31.
Kaitlyn Bettner, part-time library technician, will resign effective Sept. 15.
Part-time adult Education instructor Kenneth Bock resigned Aug. 25.
Stephanie Brady-Crite, part-time reading, writing and study skills lab instructor resigned in August.
Women’s soccer coach Ed Young resigned Aug. 25 and has been replaced by Rey Arteaga.