July 2011 Board Report
The Illinois Valley Community College board Tuesday approved a $40.7 million tentative
2012 budget that includes issuance of $5 million in debt certificates to assist in
financing construction of the Community Technology Center (CTC).
Budget revenues increased $4.3 million or 12 percent over fiscal 2011 due largely
to the debt certificates and an anticipated $737,000 increase in tuition and fees.
Other significant budget changes include a reduction of $640,000 due to the discontinuation
of educational services at Sheridan Correctional Center. In addition, there is a $385,000
reduction in personnel costs due to the outsourcing of safety services. That reduction
is offset by a $400,000 increase in contractual services for G4S security.
Significant decreases include a $623,000 cut in Dislocated Worker Center revenues,
$335,000 in National Science Foundation grants, $110,000 in truck driver training
contracts and $135,000 in contract income from the Illinois Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers (IBEW).
IVCC cut advertising, start-up material for the Ottawa Center and grant expenditures
by nearly $500,000.
A public hearing will be held on the budget at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23.
The board also approved requests for proposals for $5 million in CTC debt certificates.
The college will finance its $7.6 million match with $2.6 million from building reserves
and by borrowing the remainder. The schedule to repay the certificates calls for annual
payments of $600,000 from 2012 to 2016 and a final $2 million payment in 2017.
In other business, IVCC President Jerry Corcoran recognized Ottawa Mayor Bob Eschbach
and the Ottawa city council for investing $400,000 in an HVAC system and roof at the
Ottawa Center. The Center will be closed Aug. 1-16 to accommodate the work. All services,
including registration, counseling, financial aid and placement testing will be available
at Ottawa City Hall, 301 W. Madison St.
“Crucial to the success of this project has been planning for it to occur within a
very tight two-week period prior to fall classes beginning Aug. 17,” said Corcoran.
The board also approved:
- An information technology strategic plan and the recommended equipment and software purchases required to carry it out.
- A bi-weekly stipend of $220 for head librarian Frances Whaley for assuming additional responsibilities as collection development librarian.
- Transfer of $60,000 from working cash interest to the education fund and $400,000 from the education fund to the operations and maintenance fund for building purposes.
- The $25,747 bid of Bob McCloskey Insurance of Matawan, N.J., for student athlete and catastrophic student athlete insurance.
- A cooperative agreement with Parkland College of Champaign for its veterinary technology (Vet-tech) AAS program and IVCC’s forensic specialist AAS and certificate programs.
- IVCC’s first naming rights policy.
The board also learned of the retirement of 10-year safety services officer John C. Piano and the resignations of assessment center coordinator Judith A. McQuilken, payroll and benefits coordinator Merrilee Biggs, academic support technologist Zack S. Lowe and educational technologist and part-time faculty member Holly Mathews.