November 2010 Board Meeting Report
The Illinois Valley Community College board Tuesday approved a tentative tax levy
of 34.6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.
The levy is 1 percent less than last year, the eighth consecutive year the total
rate has decreased. However, with equalized assessed valuation (EAV) growth expected
to exceed 5 percent, the levy will be more than 105 percent of last year’s extension
and will require a 6:30 p.m. Dec. 20 hearing in the board room to comply with the
Truth in Taxation Act.
Due to its low tax rate, IVCC is one of 15 community college districts eligible for
an equalization grant and special tax levy that will result in an estimated $2.3 million
in revenue.
In other business, IVCC President Jerry Corcoran reported the state owes IVCC more
than $1 million and owes all Illinois community colleges nearly $140 million.
To assess the impact of the funding shortfall, community college presidents plan to
survey the 39 districts to determine how many students have been denied service, how
many positions remain unfilled, how many employees have lost jobs, what programs have
been discontinued or placed on-hold, and how many vendors have not been paid. Results
will be presented to Gov. Quinn’s staff next month.
In other action, the board approved:
- Seeking $133,000 for repair of the campus’ north slope to address erosion before the proposed Community Technology Center (CTC) is built. The Illinois Community College Board capital project would involve removal of fallen trees, erosion repair and installation of riprap at tile outlets.
- Asbestos abatement for the upper gymnasium ceiling in preparation for the therapeutic massage program moving there when the CTC opens in 2013. Cost of abating the 4,850-square-foot area is estimated at $77,781.
- The appointment of Tracy L. Morris as Associate Vice President for Student Services effective Dec. 6. Morris of Spring Valley was IVCC’s director of admissions and a former teacher at Mendota High School. She earned her bachelor’s from Western Illinois and her master’s from Northern Illinois where she is also pursuing a doctorate.
- The appointment of assistant director of admissions Connie Skerston of Deer Park Township as interim director of admissions and records to replace Morris.
- The purchase of 17 LCD classroom projectors from United Visual of Itasca for $15,607 and bids for a sound system for the gymnasium at an estimated $25,000 to replace the original system which is no longer functioning.
- Entering into an agreement with VALIC Retirement Services Company as a third party administrator for the college employees’ 403(b) Plan. The board also approved amending the 457(b) plan to include investment options from VALIC and TIAA/CREF.
Board members learned:
- Speech and theatre instructor David Kuester won the Illinois Community College Faculty Association’s Certificate of Appreciation Award for significant contributions to education.
- The 38th annual College Night Oct. 25 attracted 450 students and parents who met with representatives from 48 colleges and universities.
- About 320 attended the Illinois Community College Student Activities Association Student Leadership Conference at IVCC Nov. 12-13.
- The Early Childhood Education Ad Hoc committee has teamed with community partners to form La Salle CARES (Childhood Activity, Resource, and Education Site) and secured a temporary location for a comprehensive ECE center beginning next fall. The ECE’s current east campus location is slated for demolition as part of the Community Technology Center project.
- Mike Barry, a 30-year member of the safety service staff, died Nov. 3. The board observed a moment of silence in his memory.