October 2009 Board Meeting Report
The state has formally accepted the architects for Illinois Valley Community College’s $30.5 million Community Technology Center, President Jerry Corcoran reported at Thursday’s board meeting.
The architectural firm of Basalay, Cary, & Alstadt of Ottawa, in consultation with Demonica Kemper Architects of Chicago for design services and KJWW Engineering for engineering work, was selected to oversee the project at a Tuesday meeting in Chicago with the Capital Development Board, Corcoran said.
"I commend these firms for the high-quality work they’ve done so far," said Corcoran. "Everyone connected with the college is looking forward to working with them on this extraordinary improvement to our campus facilities."
In a related action, the board approved additional architectural fees totaling $250,344 for the CTC’s programming and schematic design phases.
In other business, Corcoran said the forecast for state funding for operating purposes is gloomy. At a meeting of presidents last week in Peoria, Illinois Community College Board representatives warned the current year’s budget was based on revenues "coming in at a rate much higher than where we find ourselves today," Corcoran said.
"From a funding standpoint, the future does not look bright for FY 2010 commitments or FY 2011 needs," Corcoran said.
The board also heard a presentation on college-wide assessment practices from Dr. Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness and Dr. Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development.
Scroggs said IVCC measures academic success and workforce placement, the percentage of the district population served, affordability and much more. Assessment tools include pass rate percentages on program licensure exams, surveys of student engagement and satisfaction and the annual college audit.
"We keep track of a great deal of data for reports to the ICCB or to grantors, but our primary use of the data is to continuously improve the institution," said Scroggs.
The board also approved:
Renewal of the cash farm lease with Randall Michelini of Grand Ridge for 2010. Michelini will lease 149 acres for $34,000.
Seeking bids for a 36-month lease on a color copier/printer for the Copy Center.
Emergency medical services program purchases of a LifePak 12 Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator from Physio-Control, Inc., for $17,404 and $24,500 in training equipment.
The Partnership for College and Career Success Collaboration Agreement to ensure all students are college- and career-ready and equipped with the academic and technical competencies to transition from high school to college to pursue high-skill, high-demand or high-wage careers.
Preparation for the 2009 tax levy to be presented at the board’s Nov. 19 meeting.
Transferring $400,000 from the working cash fund (accumulated interest) to the Education Fund and the transfer of $400,000 from the Education Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Restricted Fund for building purposes.
- A temporary special assignment for Kris Curley of information technologies to work on state reports.