September 2008 Board Meeting Report
Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees took the following action at Wednesday night’s meeting:
The board approved:
The transfers of $153,392 from the auxiliary enterprises fund - food services to the auxiliary enterprises fund – athletics; $400,000 from the education fund to the operations and maintenance fund for future building needs; and $200,000 from the working cash fund to the education fund;
The collective bargaining agreement with the American Federation of Teachers Local 1810 for three years which provides salary increases, a revised salary schedule and the merging of various letters of agreement and understanding. The estimated actual cost to the district will average approximately 3.5 percent per year over the life of the contract;
An increase in the part-time faculty pay scale by $20 per credit hour effective the fall semester of fiscal year 2009;
A 4.0 percent increase for all support staff employees not affected by negotiated labor agreements, contingent on acceptable performance evaluations and support from grants and outside contracts;
A 3.5 percent general increase for all administrative employees not affected by negotiated labor agreements, contingent on acceptable performance evaluations and support from grants and outside contracts;
Special adjustments that remain from the compensation study in fiscal year 2008 and the special adjustments for fiscal year 2009 due to internal equity, increased workload and job responsibilities for approved employees;
The employment contract for Robert P. Marshall, vice-president for student services, with a 3.5 percent salary increase and duties, benefits and other conditions as outlined in his contract;
Stipends for pay periods ending Aug. 9, 23 and Sept. 6;
The administration to seek bids for a Hunter alignment system for the automotive technology program at an estimated cost of $45,000;
To accept a bid in the amount of $227 per acre from Randall Michelini of Grand Ridge, to lease farmland for one year with the option to renew the lease annually, not to exceed three years;
Four protection, health and safety projects for a combined cost of $1,484,489 and authorized the submission of the appropriate resolutions for each to the Illinois Community College Board;
The administration to seek RFPs for electric service for a one or two year period; and
The termination of the aggregation agreement of May 25, 2006 between Midwest Energy Alliance, LLC and IVCC effective Nov. 10. for the purpose of Midwest Energy Alliance to exclusively negotiate with an alternative retail electric supplier on behalf of the college.
The board accepted:
A bid of $24,182 from UC Paving for maintenance work to campus roadways and parking lots; and
Basalay, Cary and Alstadt Architects recommendation to reject the bid received and re-bid with Firestop Corridor Walls Public Health and Safety project.
In other business, the board authorized the board chair to submit a letter requesting the Illinois Community College Board assign a status of recognition continued for IVCC district 513 as the college prepares for the scheduled recognition review in fiscal year 2009.
The board learned of:
The retirement of Janice Phillips, program development professional for continuing education effective Dec. 31;
The resignation of Nicole Wiltse, employer specialist with the Dislocated Worker Center; and
- The appointment of James C. Lukosus, head golf coach.