October 2008 Board Meeting Report
Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees approved tenure status for Ryen Nagle, English composition instructor; Paul Leadingham, welding instructor; and Charles Kwiatkowski, computer science/networking instructor at the Wednesday night meeting. "Faculty members are eligible for tenure after they complete their third year of teaching with the college. Tenure review involves a rigorous review process that includes classroom evaluations, student evaluations and the development and presentation of a portfolio of their accomplishments. The portfolio presentation and review by the board will take place in the spring," stated Sue Isermann, interim vice-president for academic affairs.
The college recently received a signed copy of the contract for services to be offered at Sheridan Correctional Center through June 30, 2009 in the amount of $700,148. With the approval of the contract between the Illinois Department of Corrections and IVCC, the board authorized the reinstatement of the full-time instructional and support staff at Sheridan Correctional Center. In a related matter, the board approved the collective bargaining agreement between the American Federation of Teachers Local 1810 Sheridan for the 2008-2009 academic year.
The board approved:
An intergovernmental agreement with the city of Streator for TIF 2 District;
The transfer of $20,000 within the Restricted Purposes Fund from the Illinois Community College Board Workforce Development Grant to the Small Business Development Grant and $5,000 from the Illinois Manufacturing Center to the Small Business Development Center;
Stipends for pay periods ending Sept. 20 and Oct. 4;
The required annual $10,000 institutional match for Federal Student Support Services grant, Project Success;
A full-time assessment center coordinator position;
The removal of the constitution requirement for graduation as employed by the state; and
The academic calendar for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.
The board heard;
A campus update on the early childhood program and early childhood center;
Of the Dec. 31 retirement of Mary Schorn, cashier and the retirement date extension to June for Jan Phillips, continuing education; and
Of the hiring of Anthony Mertes, trainer specialist/site facilitator in the truck driver training program and Monica Near, employer specialist in the dislocated worker center.
In other business the board:
Accepted the bid in amount of $8,999.94 form MSC Industrial Supply for industrial maintenance support materials;
Extended the agreement with LaSalle Peru Township High School for the use of the college track for an additional two years rent free with LP agreeing to fund the maintenance or repair costs; and
- Authorized President Jerome Corcoran to begin preparing the 2008 tax levy.