December 2007 Board Meeting Report
The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees adopted the Tax Levy Resolution, Certificate of Tax Levy, Resolutions of Intent, Notice of Intent to Increase Tax Levy and the Certificate of Compliance with the Truth and Taxation Act at Wednesday night’s meeting. The total levy request is $10,720,500 and the tax rate is projected to be 36.04 cents per $100 of equalized assessed valuation.
The board authorized the college to reinstate the full-time instructional and academic support staff at the Sheridan Correctional Center. The administration recently received a signed contract from the Illinois Department of Corrections for services to be offered by IVCC. As part of the new contract, the IDOC has added four part-time instructor positions based on a projected inmate population increase during the fiscal year.
The board accepted bids from D.M. Mattson in the amount of $8,900 for the inspection, maintenance and testing of the emergency alarm system and renewed the insurance consulting agreement with Bushue Human Resources for a three year term of $5,000 for 2008, $4,675 for 2009 and $4,850 for 2010.
The board approved stipends for pay periods ending Nov. 17 and Dec. 1 and released closed session minutes of Oct. 20, 2005; Nov. 29, 2006; and portions of Jan 24, Feb. 28, April 25 and May 23, 2007.
The board heard:
- Toni-Lynn Battaglia was hired as the Administrative Assistant I in Information and Services Technology.
- Dr. Dave Louis, interim president’s report on the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System as prepared by Cathy Bangert, director of Institutional Research.