August 2007 Board Meeting Report
Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees approved a resolution to adopt the 2008 fiscal year budget. “I'm very proud of the way our $31.6 million budget came together this year with the work of our budget council and budget managers, as well as the constructive feedback received from our board of trustees. As long as we continue using the college's strategic goals, objectives and core values as a context for all discussions, we will continue meeting the needs of our students and the community by providing high quality programs and services,” stated Dr. Jerry Corcoran, vice-president for business services and finances/treasurer.
The board heard a presentation by Elizabeth Kunkel on the campus beautification committee projects. The beautification committee is composed of IVCC employees and students. Some of the recent projects they have undertaken are the hanging of pictures in the lobby, cleaning up the miscellaneous furniture in the link while framing and posting the play bills on the walls. Working directly with Professor Lauri Carey’s horticultural students, the committee has added potted plants in the counseling center as well as plants and planters on the campus grounds. Future plans included exploring options for the main lobby and examining the color scheme throughout the interior of the college.
The board approved:
- A ratification of a presidential search contract.
- Stipends for pay periods ending June 30, July 14, 28 and August 11.
- The purchase of 28 Formaspace Work Benches from Grainger, Inc. for the Auto Tech program in the amount of $35,653.
- Entering into a 36 month lease with Central Illinois Trucks at $3,637 per month with a 12 cent per mile maintenance fee for each of the two tractors and trailers.
- The rescinding of the earlier Board decision to discontinue the contract with the Illinois Department of Corrections for educational and training services at Sheridan Correctional Center and to continue those services for the fiscal year.
- The business office to seek bids for an emergency system consisting of ten call boxes and 25 two-way radios at an estimated cost of $60,000.
- The following full time positions: financial aid advisor; truck driver trainer specialist/site facilitator; career and technical education recruitment and dual credit/dual enrollment coordinator; and instructor/program coordinator for emergency medical services program.
- The 2006-2008 information technology services contract with LaSalle County.
The board learned of the following staff appointments:
Bruce Nelson, men’s head tennis coach; Connie Skerston, admissions and credentials analyst; Cynthia Cardosi, counselor for student support services/Project Success; Donna Brolley, director, Early Childhood Education Center; Virginia Pokryfke, teacher, Early Childhood Education Center and the resignations of: Tina Brouhle and Michael Riley.