November 2006 Board Meeting Report
On Wednesday night, the Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees approved a tentative tax levy based on a projected rate of 40.41 cents per $100 of equalized assessed valuation which is 03.95 cents, or approximately 9% less than last year’s actual tax rate of 44.37 cents.
"This will be the fifth consecutive year for the total tax rate to drop. The majority of the tax year 2006 reduced tax rate can be attributed to the bond and interest rate dropping from 8.25 to 05.01 cents. I'm very proud of the fact that we can maintain high quality service while controlling our costs; our board and employees deserve to be commended," stated Dr. Jerry Corcoran, vice-president for business services and finance/treasurer.
The board is set to finalize the levy at its Dec. 19 meeting.
The board approved a revised intergovernmental agreement with the city of Spring Valley for TIF District I and a new agreement with the city for TIF District II. The college’s administration has effectively negotiated an intergovernmental agreement with the city of Spring Valley on the creation of its second tax increment finance district. With the TIF district located in the college’s district, there could be some negative impact on the college’s real estate tax base were it not for an intergovernmental agreement. The city of Spring Valley has agreed to reimburse the college for expenditures for capital costs, job training and advanced vocational and career education from the real estate tax increment created by the increase in equalized assessed valuation for the life of the TIF district. Since the Oct. board meeting and subsequent approval of the TIF District I, a new simplified formula has been developed which works well for agreements on both TIF Districts I and II.
The board listened to presentations by: Dr. Jerry Corcoran and Cheryl Roelfsema, controller on the college’s five-year financial forecast; Juletta Patrick, dean of student development on the counseling services provided at IVCC; and Steve Crick, director of financial aid and Cheryl Roelfsema on the status of financial aid recipients who withdraw prior to the end of an academic term.
In other action the board:
- Approved the academic calendar for 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.
- Approved the stipends for pay periods ending on Oct. 21 and Nov. 4.
- Accepted a proposal from Bushue Human Resources for insurance consulting services for the term of one year at a cost of $4,250.
- Rejected all proposals received to date for a compensation consultant to review the college’s present compensation and classification system as they came in well over the budgeted amount.
- Authorized the business office to seek bids for equipment and instructional supplies for the Industrial and Electrical Maintenance programs.
- Approved the purchase of 11 Acer computer monitors from Technology Resource Center of Dundee in the amount of $2,062.61.
- Learned of the appointment of Peggy A. Smith as a teacher in the Learning Ladder Early Childhood Center and the resignation of Eric Pinter as assistant baseball coach and intramural coordinator effective Dec. 12.
The board accepted the resignation of Tony D. Killian, dean of humanities, fine arts and social sciences effective, Jan. 2 and appointed professor David Bergsieker, art instructor to serve as interim dean until a new dean is hired. The board also accepted a request for retirement of Patricia A. Pearson, dental assisting program coordinator/instructor effective July 31 and approved the appointment of Kari A. VeZain as the horticulture/landscaping/grounds maintenance instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center.