February 2006 Board Meeting Report
Six Illinois Valley Community College faculty members were granted tenure Wednesday by the IVCC Board of Trustees.
Faculty members Jane Battles in Nursing, Linda Hanley in Nursing; Dr. Matt Johll, in Chemistry, Yelena Kajevic in English, Dominic Sarsah in Physics, and Julie Sherbeyn in Health and Wellness gained tenure status.
Faculty members are eligible for tenure before they complete their third year of teaching. Tenure review involves a rigorous review process that includes classroom evaluations, student evaluations and the development and presentation of a portfolio of their accomplishments, said Dr. Harriet Custer, vice president for academic affairs.
Other personnel items accepted by the board include the faculty appointment of Paul Leadingham as the welding instructor and manufacturing program coordinator and Nevada A. Nevin as the horticulture/landscaping/grounds maintenance instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center.
In other business, the board designated the fiscal year 2007 budget to be July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, adopted the budget calendar as presented and authorized Dr. Novak, interim-president to begin the process of preparing the tentative budget for IVCC.
The board also entered into an addendum agreement with Basalay, Cary and Alstadt Architects, Ltd. in an amount not to exceed $20,000 to handle the bidding and architectural fees associated with repaving the college’s roadway, not originally part of the master plan.
A tuition increase per credit hour was supported by the IVCC student government association in a letter sent to the board of trustees. In the state of Illinois, it was learned that 21 at least community colleges are considering a tuition increase. IVCC needed to consider increasing its combined tuition and universal fee rate to balance its budget regardless of the rule requiring community colleges that receive an equalization grant to be at a level that is at least 85% of the state average. The board approved a $2 tuition increase raising the current tuition and universal fee rate from $61.25 to $63.25 per credit hour.
The board authorized the business office to lease nine general use copiers for Illinois Valley Business Equipment, Peru as the lowest, most responsible bid in the amount of $115,109.25 and to purchase the print and copy management software system from Today’s Business Solutions, Inc., Lemont in the amount of $16,524.
Presentations to the board were made by B.J. Hilton, of Midwest Energy Alliance LLC and Sue Isermann, associate vice-president for career education. Hilton presented options for IVCC concerning the deregulation of energy suppliers which takes effect on January 1, 2007 and Isermann provided the board with a program overview of occupational programs at IVCC.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the purchase of event management software in the amount of $31,475 paid from the auxiliary fund in the instructional technology account.
- Approved the full-time faculty overload payroll for the spring 2006 semester.
- Learned of the resignation of Stephanie Rue as counselor from project success.
- Approved the revised board policy on records and retention, 5006 as presented.
- Authorized the college to officially notify the Sheridan Correctional Center instructional and academic support staff of the annual reduction in force, subject to the continuation of the funding grant.