September 2005 Board Meeting Report
Dr. Charles Novak, interim president of Illinois Valley Community College, recommended for discussion some minor changes in the manner in which the board of trustees handles policy at the Wednesday night meeting.
“One of the most important functions of the board is the development and adoption of policy. The board currently has two policies that speak to that issue. Primary differences in the new policy are that it stresses the importance of policy development, the maintenance of a policy manual, and most important, it provides for two readings for every policy before adoption. As a consequence, a policy would stand for a minimum of 30 days, but more likely 60, before it is actually adopted by the board. The period between the first presentation and the actual adoption allows for a period of comment and consideration before the policy is finally adopted. Also required by the new policy is a public posting of policy under consideration,” stated Dr. Novak.
While continuing the board discussion, Dr. Novak, at the request of staff, reviewed IVCC’s tuition and fee schedule with the board noting a number of changes which need to be made to the board’s policies. Although in the past the board has adopted the tuition schedules, in some cases the board has not been involved in developing the fee schedules. As a result, the staff is recommending some changes in policy so that the board is involved with establishing both tuition and fee schedules, as well as, other waivers or discounts that are published in the IVCC catalog.
Course fee guidelines were presented by Dr. Harriet Custer, vice-president for academic affairs. The purpose of the course fee guidelines attached to specific courses and course sections is to cover consumables and other costs to the college beyond the costs of direct instruction equitably and consistently. Dr. Custer indicated that she will bring a comprehensive list of course fees to the board of trustees for their approval on an annual basis each fall.
Dr. Novak also presented for discussion, the new policy on board meeting and operations to conform with the current published guide to Open Meetings Act published by the Illinois Attorney General.
In September of 2004, the board identified three primary goals and subsequent sub goals. Since that time, the staff has developed a number of programs and activities which address and respond to those goals. Dr. Novak provided a brief synopsis of the number of activities which took place during this past year and suggested these goals be considered for incorporation into the new comprehensive strategic planning process.
Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, project manager and Dr. Custer provided the board with a campus update on Environmental Scanning for the strategic planning needs of IVCC. Trends, implications, core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified with input for community leaders, community representatives, staff members and scan team members. Dr. Novak invited the board to explore the identified implications as they will drive the goals for strategic planning.
In other action the board:
Approved the appointment of Gerald R. Christensen as the commercial custodian instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center.
Heard Wendi S. Harmon resigned from her position as counselor with Project Success and Laura L. Hooper resigned from her position as research specialist.
Was advised that to be in compliance with board policy 4003, a change order in the amount of $6,312 for work performed in the buildings connection project was entered.
Learned the annual IVCC public auction to sell any idle, unwanted and outdated items
to the taxpayers of district 513 netted $4,591.98.
Received the announcement of the 2005 Lowanau District Emergency Preparedness Camporee
to be held by the Boy Scouts of America on the IVCC campus October 14 - 16.