June 6, 2005 Special Board Meeting Report

IVCC Special Board Meeting - Dr. Goodnow's Resignation

The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees held a special meeting on Monday evening to accept with regret the resignation of the current president, Dr. Jean Goodnow, effective June 30, 2005.

Upon the acceptance of Dr. Goodnow’s resignation the board gave her a standing ovation for her years of dedicated service to the college. “Dr. Goodnow is a leader who has taken this fine institution to a whole new level,” stated board member Paula Endress. “IVCC is a true gem of the Illinois Valley and that statement is due in great part to your leadership Dr. Goodnow. Your professionalism and integrity are beyond reproach and you will be sorely missed.” concluded Endress.

In her letter of resignation to the board Dr. Goodnow stated, “The last nine years at Illinois Valley Community College have been personally and professionally rewarding. It has been an honor to lead this fine institution. It truly takes a team effort for an organization to progress and I have been blessed with a top notch team of administrators, faculty, staff and students. I would like to thank the Trustees that hired me in 1996 and the Trustees who shared their leadership, support, time, energy and wisdom throughout the years. We were able to accomplish a great deal for the good of the college and students of our district.”

Dr. Jean Goodnow has recently been hired as president of Delta Community College in Michigan.

Dr. Goodnow arrived at IVCC in April of 1996 from North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City, Iowa.

Under Dr. Goodnow’s presidency, a master plan for facility renovations, new construction and infrastructure upgrade was developed and initiated in 1997.

In 1998 $4.2 million in Technology Funding bonds were sold for computer network and telecommunications infrastructure improvements which provided hardware and software for a college wide interactive system.

Technology programs and supportive services have been fostered under the guidance of Dr. Goodnow. These programs promoted technological growth and kept pace with rapid changes. Online courses were expanded, the college website was overhauled, a high technology welding lab was created, and $400,000 in federal appropriation funds were received for IVCC’s integrated systems technology (IST) to upgrade the training equipment in the industrial maintenance laboratory’s program.

Under Dr. Goodnow’s leadership, IVCC received in excess of $15 million in grants and special appropriations by 2004. Among these: a $6 million appropriation from the state for asbestos abatement in major campus buildings; a $1.78 million grant to serve first generation college students, low income and students with disabilities; and $1.75 million grant to strengthen developmental education, improve student retention and create new career programs.

Nine career programs have been developed during President Goodnow’s tenure including a forensics specialist degree and certificate which is offered at one of only five community colleges in the nation and the expansion of the IVCC nursing program. The career programs instituted under her direction were in direct response to the needs of the community and employers.

To meet the need for growing needs and services, Dr. Goodnow created a development office which increased the assets of the IVCC Foundation from $1.7 million in 1996 to $2.6 million in 2004.
In fall of 2000, IVCC opened a new Ottawa Center. This new center is located in Marquette High School to better serve the students in the east side of IVCC’s district.

In 2003, IVCC won the third straight Arrowhead Conference All-Sports Award and in 2004 welcomed back the IVCC Gold Dust Bowl Team for an alumni reunion hosted in Dr. Goodnow’s home.

As IVCC continues to prepare students for a solid future and to respond to the needs of area employers, Dr. Goodnow facilitated structural and technological upgrades with the groundwork laid and planning underway for a new Community Instructional Center to house community meeting and dining rooms, art gallery, student center, bookstore, enrollment management services, and a Technology Center for Workforce Development to replace the temporary buildings on east campus.

Dr. Goodnow’s leadership created newly formed partnerships and alliances. The IV lead program co-sponsored by the area chambers immerses community leaders in learning about programs and services throughout the district while fostering communication between communities. An alliance was formed with Franklin University as IVCC joined 200 community colleges across the nation to offer bachelor’s degrees and a seventeen month MBA. A professional partnership with three regional school superintendents was established with the Regional Office of Education (ROE) and IVCC to collaborate on working with pre K-12 teachers throughout the Illinois Valley. Two plus two partnership agreements were entered into with Illinois State University, Eureka College, Northern Illinois University, University of Illinois Springfield and Western Illinois University, which enable students to complete the first two years of their bachelors degree at IVCC and seamlessly transfer to their selected university. A partnership was solidified with the local IBEW to offer certification for local apprentices. IVCC and the University of Chicago Centers for area studies joined together for the support of international studies. The majority of area high schools have incorporated early entry college into their schools allowing students to take college courses at a reduced cost while enrolled in high school.
Nationally Dr. Goodnow has been the recipient of several awards and accolades, most notably recently elected to the American Association of Community Colleges national board, a recipient of the Franklin University Community College Alliance Leadership Award and a participant in a National Task Force of Community College Presidents from across the national to develop strategies for increasing awareness and support of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), a national honor’s society for two-year colleges, and recipient of the Dr. Shirley B. Gordon PTK Presidential Award of Distinction awarded annually to community college presidents and CEO’s across the nation through a nomination by IVCC students.

“IVCC has been extremely fortunate to have Dr. Goodnow serve as our president. Jean has actively lobbied Springfield and Washington for grants, funding and support for IVCC. Dr. Goodnow has kept IVCC in the fore front with key officials while remaining accessible throughout the community with her service to area chambers, hosting of town hall meetings throughout the district and active participation in local events. Dr. Goodnow’s tenure is a legacy for our college and one for which we are extremely grateful. Jean’s exuberant personality, commitment to our community and solid leadership will be sadly missed.” said Deborah Sweeden, IVCC Board Chair.

The board appointed Dr. Robert P. Marshall as acting president. Dr. Marshall has served IVCC since May of 1979. His service to the college has included Director of Admissions and Records, Interim Dean of Student Development and in his current role as Vice President for Student Services since July of 1997.

A three member committee has been established to search for an interim president. The committee members include: Deborah Sweeden, Board Chair, David Wilcoxsen, Board Vice-Chair; and Paula Endress, Board Secretary. With this committee formation, an emergency executive session followed the specially scheduled board meeting to discuss the selection of the interim president. This meeting recessed until Wednesday at noon for a closed session in the IVCC board room.