August 2005 Board Meeting Report
Illinois Valley Community College board approved the resolution to adopt the fiscal year 2006 budget as presented and authorized the conferring of 279 degrees and certificates for the summer 2005 graduates at the Wednesday night board meeting.
The board of trustees participated in a tour of IVCC and reviewed progress made in several areas on the campus. Renovations included: the expansion of the nursing program; ADA-compliance improvements to the courtyard and cultural centre entrance; two new elevators and the interconnection of buildings for accessibility purposes; and ceiling and lighting replacements for safety and energy conservation reasons.
"We have a beautiful campus that has undergone a number of facility improvements over the last few years. Our board fully understands the importance of investing in capital projects that benefit students and staff. I'm delighted that Dr. Novak suggested we take these kinds of tours on a regular basis." stated Dr. Jerry Corcoran, vice-president for business service and finance/treasurer and tour guide.
Dr. Jerry Corcoran, Vice President for Business Services and Finance/Treasurer, outlined five life safety projects totaling $1,150,936 approved by the board and authorized for submission of the appropriate resolution to the Illinois Community College Board for the following:
- Replacement of stairwell doors and hardware - $335,565
- Ceiling, lighting, replacement and phase II wiring modifications at the main level of buildings D and E - $420,749
- Upgrade of the fire doors at the lower level corridors - $89,572
- Replacement of the courtyard and exterior wall mount light - $68,100
- Replacement of the stage curtain and stage lighting - $236,950
In other action, the board approved:
- The transfer of funds in the amount of $220,500 from the Provision for Contingency budget account in the Education Fund (01) to the Operations and Maintenance Fund (02) Capital Outlay account in accordance with the Public Community College Act.
- The use of the $179,500 budgeted in the Operations and Maintenance Fund Provision for Contingency budget account for Capital Outlay expenditures within the fund.
- Transfer of $294,193 from the Education Fund to the Auxiliary Enterprises Fund (05) for athletics, child care and cultural events.
The board also:
- Approved the appointments of Gary K. Johnson as the Director of Facilities and Mark P. Woodward as the Welding Technology Instructor at Sheridan Correctional Center.
- Accepted the resignations of Cathy Christensen, nursing instructor and M. Sameer Haider, computer science/networking instructor.
- Learned Nicci Y. Gibson would serve as head volleyball coach; Daniel T. Leonard would serve as assistant women’s basketball coach; Stephanie R. Rue would serve as counselor and Mary B. Needham as administrative assistant for student support services/project success.