February 5, 2025 Board of Trustees Audit/Finance Committee Meeting
The Audit Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Committee Members Physically Present
Jay K. McCracken, Committee Chair
Maureen O. Rebholz
Committee Members Virtually Present
Amy L. Boyles
Committee Members Absent
Board Members Physically Present
Others Physically Present
Tracy Morris, President
Kathy Ross, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Mark Grzybowski, Vice President for Student Services
Vicki Trier, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Eric Johnson, Controller
Others Virtually Present
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mr. McCracken.
Mr. Volker noted he recently attended a Kendall County meeting of serval planning organizations. He came away with an appreciation for those that volunteer to do public service.
The Financial Plan for fiscal years 2026-2028 was highlighted. Ms. Ross thanked President’s Council for helping lead the process as well as Justin Denton, Eric Johnson, and Nikki Van Nielen for providing information.
Ms. Ross reviewed the operating revenues for the Education and Operations and Maintenance funds for the next three years. The overall operating revenues show a 1.98 percent increase for FY2026 from the FY2025 budget; FY2027 is a 2.88 percent increase from FY2026; and FY2028 is a 2.68 percent increase from FY2027. The major sources of revenue for these funds consist of property taxes, tuition, and state funding. Ms. Ross reviewed the assumptions for each of these funding sources.
The overall operating expenditures show a 15.88 percent increase for FY2026 from the FY2026 budget; FY2027 is a 9.98 percent decrease from FY2026; and FY2028 is a 2.81percent decrease from FY2027. The biggest contributing factor to the increase and decrease is capital. Ms. Ross reviewed expenditure assumptions for each expenditure category.
The FY2026-FY2028 Financial Plan includes a total of $19.9 million in capital expenditures through grants, PHS projects, and strategic fund balance reserve spending for master plan projects previously identified as priorities through the Board of Trustees Facilities Committee.
Ms. Ross stated the recommendation is a FY2026 increase to tuition and fees by $6.00, from $140.00 to $146.00 per credit hour. These would be a $4.00 increase to tuition and $2.00 to the technology fee. The Financial Plan assumes incremental increases in FY2027 and FY2028 as well.
Dr. Trier stated there are currently 293 active courses with approved course fees. The recommendation includes changes to 182 course fees. There were 164 increases, 4 decreases, 13 new course fees, and the reinstatement of 1 course fee after the Ealy Childhood “ECACE” Grant is no longer available to cover the course fee. Course fees primarily cover consumables and increases are in line with the cost of materials.
Ms. Ross provided an update on where the fund balance reserves stand as of June 30, 2024. President’s Council had a presentation from DKA on estimated project costs and timeframe. The Board Facilities Committee will be meeting on March 6 which will include sharing renderings for the spaces and review the draft of the Master Plan. An updated Capital Project and Funding Plan was reviewed.
Dr. Rebholz commented on a great conversation with a former student on her experiences at IVCC.
Mr. McCracken commented what an outstanding job everyone is doing and it is reflective of getting the right people in positions to make it happen.
Mr. McCracken declared the meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m.