October 10, 2024 Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2024 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Everett J. Solon, Chair

Jay K. McCracken, Vice Chair

Angela M. Stevenson, Secretary

Amy L. Boyles

Rebecca Donna

Jane E. Goetz

Maureen O. Rebholz

Members Virtually Present

Members Telephonically Present

Members Absent

Emma J. Garretson, Student Trustee

Others Physically Present

Tracy Morris, President

Kathy Ross, Vice President for Business Services and Finance

Vicki Trier, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mark Grzybowski, Vice President for Student Services

Mary Beth Herron, Director of Human Resources

Walt Zukowski, Attorney

Others Virtually Present



A moment of silence was held to remember Earl Smith of Mendota, father-in-law of Chris Herman, Director of Project Success; Dennis Arbuckle, a former Facilities employee; the mother of IT Technical Support Analyst, Juan Rodriguez; Todd Stash of Streator, a former IT employee; and Nedda Simon of Princeton, founder of Freedom House.


It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Mr. McCracken to approve the agenda.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.


Todd Volker stated he was pleased to attend the recent lecture on neurodiversity and liked that it gave other ways to look at things and that it was very helpful.


It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to approve the consent agenda, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – September 12, 2024 Board Meeting.

Approval of Bills - $3,224,604.99

Education Fund - $2,413,297.09; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $37,607.77; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $194,854.76; Auxiliary Fund - $132,149.63; Restricted Fund - $390,515.36; Liability, Protection, and Settlement Fund - $54,980.38; Grants, Loans, and Scholarship Fund - $1,200.00.

Treasurer’s Report


Approved stipends for pay periods ending September 7, 2024 and September 21, 2024, and Part-Time Faculty and Staff Appointments for September 2024.


No report.


Dr. Morris highlighted the work being completed on the pad above the electrical room and the loading dock. Dr. Morris visited the Ag building to film a video and the new CETLA space where they are using QR codes to highlight training for faculty. Hispanic Heritage Month displayed flags from different countries and now has a beautiful interactive display for Day of the Dead. Several men’s soccer players assisted the City of LaSalle by demonstrating equipment at a new outdoor exercise facility at Rotary Park. Hispanic Heritage Month held a panel discussion with four Hispanic alumni, who spoke about their fields and careers, along with discussing challenges and opportunities.

The 21st Century Scholar Society dinner was held recently, and four accomplished young women were honored, including Student Trustee Emma Garretson. The winner, Shelby Einhaus, is an Ag student and is very passionate about promoting women in agriculture.

Dr. Morris expressed her pride in the IVCC team for making over 30 baskets to assist in a benefit for an employee’s brother battling health issues. Chemistry instructor, Dr. Matt Johll, was part of helping to solve a 30+ year old Jane Doe case by offering assistance in using genetic genealogy.  Dr. Morris highlighted changes to the nursing admission policy that will now factor in work experience and the addition of HelpCompass which is another tool to support the mental health needs of our students. Madonna Duncan and Crytal Credi spoke about IVCC at a LaSalle Rotary meeting.

The New Employee Luncheon was brought back to welcome new and transitioned employees giving them a chance to get to know each other and to gather feedback on our onboarding process. The Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band held concerts last week. Putnam County special needs students were on campus to serve coffee at the LEASE event. They did a great job and were able to gain additioanl work experience. An IVCC student from Japan presented at a Sunrise Rotary meeting and State Senator Sue Rezin held her Senior Fair on campus.

Dr. Maureen Dunne presented October 3rd at L-P High School on neurodiversity and was the foundation of our employee development day on October 4th. Thank you to the Donald E. Fike Family Foundation and IVCC One Book One College for sponsoring the event.

A Constitution Day event brought Jennifer Ebner, LaSalle County Clerk, to campus. Participants were able to see a sample ballot, try a touchscreen digital ballot, and register to vote. Professional Development Week consisted of a scavenger hunt to find fire extinguishers on campus, fire extinguisher training, and themed days. Dr. Morris recognized employees who received Spirit Awards this month. College Night was held on October 9 with over 30 colleges and IVCC programs and services in attendance. This week was also Tutor Appreciation Week.

Fall enrollment update this month shows an across-the-board increase of 5.87% in headcount and 6.92% in credit hours compared to Fall 2023. A Continuing Education and Business Services update highlighted 3,884 students served in FY24 with 2,988 unduplicated students. A total of 492 courses offered in the areas of business and industry (customized training), personal development, vocational, and youth courses. In Fall 2024, Continuing Education offered a local history series, in partnership with the LaSalle County Historical Society. In addition, two Surgical Technician Program classes were offered, based on feedback from OSF. The Business Training Center contracted with 5 companies for a series of classes this fall and launched an Essential Work Skills series to meet the needs of local business and industry.

Dr. Morris and Trustee McCracken attended the ICCTA Northwest Region Meeting at Rock Valley College on October 1.



COLLEGE CALENDARS 2025-2026 AND 2026-2027

It was moved by Dr. Rebholz and seconded by Mr. McCracken to approve the College calendars as presented for the following semesters: Fall 2025, Spring 2026, Summer 2026, Fall 2026, Spring 2027, and Summer 2027.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

Dr. Morris thanked Mark Grzybowski and the committee for their hard work in making sure the calendars met the number of instructional days and other key institutional needs.


It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Ms. Goetz to authorize Dr. Tracy Morris to begin preparing the 2024 tax levy.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.


It was moved by Dr. Rebholz and seconded by Dr. Boyles to approve the purchase of a 2023 Ford F-250 truck using the State Contract Number 21-416-P-29479 through the State of Illinois Central Management Services for Purchasing from Morrow Brothers Ford of Greenfield, IL at a cost of $43,993.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

Mr. Solon asked if any local dealerships participate in the State consortium for purchasing. Ms. Carboni stated Morrow Brothers is the only dealer listed on the State contract.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Donna to approve the purchase of a 2023 Ford Transit Connect using the State Contract Number 21-416-P-29479 through the State of Illinois Central Management Services for Purchasing from Morrow Brothers Ford of Greenfield, IL at a cost of $39,988.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to authorize the 3-year renewal of the Catalog/Curriculum software contract for a total contract cost of $56,320.10, which includes licensing and continued support from Watermark Insights, LLC. This purchase is to be funded by the IT budget.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

Mr. McCracken asked for clarification that the total is for all three years.

Dr. Morris confirmed that it is.


It was moved by Mr. McCracken, with regrets, and seconded by Ms. Goetz to accept the retirement of Nancy McDonnell, Cybersecurity Faculty, effective May 31, 2025.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

Dr. Donna asked for confirmation that this is a retirement as her letters says she is resigning.

Dr. Trier confirmed it is a retirement.


It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the Board Policy, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve the Board Policy, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to approve the Board Policy, as presented.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.


Mr. Solon pointed out the information items on pages 58-63 of the Board book.

Dr. Morris noted the retirement of Valery Calvetti in November 2024 after serving the College for more than 30 years.

Mr. McCracken stated Valery Calvetti has always been a delight to work with and is so good with the students. She will be sorely missed and is a champion for IVCC.

Ms. Goetz stated the 21st Century dinner and presentation was very nice. It was at a new venue and was very well done. Ms. Goetz also noted how beautiful the campus looks.




Mr. Solon requested a motion and a roll call vote at 6:08 p.m. to enter into a closed session to discuss: 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending or imminent litigation; and 3) closed session minutes. 

It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Dr. Donna to enter into a closed session.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

The Board entered closed session at 6:11 p.m.

It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to return to the regular meeting.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 6:32 p.m.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the September 12, 2024 Board Meeting.

Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.




Mr. Solon declared the meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.