July 21, 2023 Minutes of Special Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a special session for a Board Retreat at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2023 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Everett J. Solon, Chair

Jay K. McCracken, Vice Chair

Angela M. Stevenson, Secretary

Amy L. Boyles

Rebecca Donna

Jane E. Goetz

Maureen O. Rebholz

Elizabeth G. Boyles, Student Trustee

Members Virtually Present

Members Telephonically Present

Members Absent

Others Physically Present

Tracy Morris, President

Gary Roberts, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mark Grzybowski, Vice President for Student Services

Kathy Ross, Vice President for Business Services and Finance

Mary Beth Herron, Director of Human Resources

Walt Zukowski, Attorney

Others Virtually Present



Mr. Solon informed that no action would be recommended by the administration on Item #10 for Possible Staff Appointment – Executive Director of the Foundation. It was moved by Dr. Donna and seconded by Ms. Goetz to approve the agenda.

Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Ms. Boyles.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.




Dr. Roberts provided an overview of the rough draft of the academic strategic plan. Work began about 3-4 weeks ago during a retreat of the academic administrators at Nell’s Woodland. Dr. Roberts reviewed the proposed Academic Goals/Pillars which were identified as: academic excellence; student success (retention, persistence, completion); community engagement; innovation and planning (focus on new programming and make current programming more robust); and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Dr. Roberts shared the proposed statements to go along with these goals and each goal will have 4-6 objectives, will be measurable, and will include a timeline. Dr. Roberts is looking to have one Dean and one faculty member to serve as champions for each goal to ensure we have the objectives and metrics needed and help monitor the plan to make sure we stay on track. Additional stakeholders will be added from Academic Affairs as needed. Dr. Roberts expects there to be many changes and additions as work continues on this plan and as faculty input is received. Dr. Roberts plans to build in celebrations for successes and victories throughout the process. Dr. Morris stated the Deans, Vice Presidents, and faculty drive the plan. Dr. Roberts noted the academic plan needs to work in conjunction with the college strategic plan. The final plan will be presented to the Board Planning Committee and then the Board of Trustees.


Mr. Grzybowski provided an update of where we are in this process. Mr. Grzybowski introduced and gave kudos to core team members of Dr. Gary Roberts, Dr. Patrice Hess, Aseret Loveland, Missy Killian, Crystal Credi, Dawn Watson, Mike Pecherek, and Jon Hubbell. This cross-sectional team is made of administrators, staff, and faculty from both Academic Affairs and Student Services. This team was created as result of the HLC Mid-Year Cycle Open Pathway review in 2021. One of their recommendations for Core Component 4C Leveraging Data to improve Retention, Persistence, and Completion was to take all our data and come up with a multi-year Student Success Plan to fully leverage the data and make it usable to improve programs and student supports across campus. Year 1: Environment Scan began in July 2022. To date, IVCC has completed the orientation webinar; data inventory; Data Inventory and Success Initiative Roundtable; Success Initiative Inventory; and Success Initiative and Infrastructure Roundtable. The Infrastructure Inventory is the final task for year one and will be completed in September 2023. Year 2: Analysis and Planning will begin in October 2023 and consists of an Infrastructure and Engagement Roundtable; Engagement Inventory; Student Success Plan Roundtable; Mentor Consultation; Student Success Plan Draft; and Success Plan Implementation Forum. An optional Year 3: Strategy and Action beginning will run from Fall 2024 through Spring 2025 and is an opportunity to engage with the HLC Student Success Academy to assist with the success plan implementation. We are interested in going forward with participating in this third year. Mr. Grzybowski stated observations and strategies he has observed throughout this process include: Informative – learning what our data says about who are our successful students; Proactive – looking at where student success begins; Campus Engagement – regularly sharing information at in-services, departmental meetings, committee meetings, etc.; and Resource Allocation – a student success position was approved in this budget cycle.


Ms. Ross gave kudos to Dr. Jim Carlson for his work to provide updates on all the projects. Ms. Ross highlighted several projects including: 1) D201/CETLA renovation is a PHS project and will create an accessible and functional dual-purpose space for the IVCC Band Room and CETLA. This difficult remodel was to be substantially completed in January 2023 but the anticipated completion is now January 2024. Issues and delays include IVCC not yet receiving the elevator. Elevator shipment is currently slated for August and installation by the end of October. Another issue is a contractor underperforming on other tasks while waiting for the elevator. A recent meeting with them has resulted in improved efforts and work being completed. 2) Upgrade Building Exterior is a CDB project and is prevent water infiltration and remediate damaged areas on the exterior of buildings on campus. This project is behind by about two months partly due to weather and some staffing issues with subcontractors. As of this week, the anticipated completion is through Christmas break. We are working with them to schedule work in an attempt to be less disruptive to students and events. 3) Building J Solar PV System Project is an Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN) project to develop a Solar Array for J Building. The College was not able to complete this project by June 30th but IGEN has encouraged IVCC to put the project through again in FY24 so we will be working on that submission. 4) Medical Assist Lab is a renovation of an existing lab to accommodate 3 medical assisting exam rooms. The punch list was created on July 14 and a walk-through conducted by the Interim Dean of Health Professions and Program Coordinator. The lab will be available for use beginning Fall 2023. 5) The Salt Shed was put through as a 2021 PHS project. There were issues on the location of the shed. The original location had cables underneath that Ameren can’t move. A new location has been identified but may impact the lighting project. Once the details are worked out the shed will go up quickly. 6) Lighting Upgrades (Sister Project with Security Cameras) project is upgrading lighting and cameras throughout the parking lots. Both are PHS projects but this project is larger than the funding that we put towards it. It will be a phased projects with the Truck Driver Training lighting being Phase I. Phase II will be updates to where we strategically determine are the best locations to update lighting and cameras. The project is targeted to go out for bid on August 7, 2023. 7) Ag Building Complex forecast includes the timeline which began with Schematic Design in Mid-July 2023 and ends with Project Completion in Summer 2025. 8) Nursing Sim Lab is a project to create a simulation lab required by ACEN. This project was funded by the Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce (PATH) grant. The remodeling will be complete by August 1, 2023. 9) CDB Parking Lot and Roadway Improvements project will commence once funding has been approved. 10) Nell’s Woodland is a partnership that began this summer. The only cost associated to this partnership is the security piece that is a tort expense. Sixteen Continuing Education courses in art, health and wellness, and personal enrichment have been offered to date for both adults and youth. Dr. Morris thanked Ms. Ross for a great report and she expressed her appreciation to Dr. Carlson for all his hard work.


Dr. Morris gave an overview of the current process for policy review. IVCC does not have a policy on how often policies need to be reviewed. Nearly 40 percent of the policies have not been reviewed since 2010 and 78 percent have not been updated in seven or more years. There are 130 policies spreading across the six categories of 1) Board of Trustees; 2) Academic Services; 3) Personnel; 4) Business Services; 5) College and Community Relations; and 6) General Policies. There was consensus that Reviewed means no substantive changes and would be not need to be presented to the Planning Committee; and Effective Date is the start date of the policy and unless the policy is completely revised it should always remain the same. The goal is to have all policies reviewed by the end of 2024 and set onto a cycle. Dr. Morris will explore software that could assist in policy management and review. Dr. Morris will work with President’s Council to come up with an approach, examine tools, plan for a 4-year review, and structure for incorporating the Planning Committee.


Mr. Solon requested a motion and a roll call vote at 1:34 p.m. to enter into a closed session to discuss: 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.

It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Dr. Boyles to enter into a closed session.

Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Ms. Boyles.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried. The Board entered closed session at 1:42 p.m.

It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to return to the regular meeting.

Student Advisory Vote: “Aye” – Ms. Boyles. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Ms. Stevenson, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Dr. Donna, and Mr. Solon. “Nay” – none. Motion carried. The regular meeting resumed at 3:00 p.m.


Dr. Morris referenced the American Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) 5 Keys to a Successful Transition Year. The first key to Conduct a Board/CEO Retreat is being completed today. Dr. Morris addressed the next two keys to Develop CEO’s First-Year Communication and Transition Plan and to Establish CEO’s Development Plan. Board expectations on communication protocols and priorities as well as communication of progress were discussed. Dr. Morris reported the three-month transition was a core component that allowed for internal communication, stakeholder meetings, etc. The next three months will be to focus on external partners. Dr. Morris identified tasks to achieve her development plan.


Dr. Morris provided an overview of the components for developing a new Strategic Plan which include: Foundation – Mission Statement; Supporting Components – Values, Institutional Goals, Vision; Strategic Plan – Goals and Objectives, Implementation Plan. Dr. Morris shared the timeline for the development of this plan.


Dr. Boyles stated she appreciates all the information and work put into this meeting. She noted the ACCT document includes a statement in Key #3 about taking care of yourself. She encouraged   Dr. Morris and her leadership staff to take time for themselves.


Mr. Solon declared the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.