May 13, 2021 Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, 2021 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Everett J. Solon, Chair

Jay K. McCracken, Vice Chair

Angela M. Stevenson, Secretary

Amy L. Boyles

Jane E. Goetz

Maureen O. Rebholz

Members Virtually Present

David O. Mallery

Madison N. Miranda, Student Trustee

Members Telephonically Present

Members Absent

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President

Chris Dunlap, Director of Information Technology Services

Walt Zukowski, Attorney

Others Virtually Present

Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services & Finance

Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mark Grzybowski Vice President for Student Services

Bonnie Campbell, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Leslie Hofer, Director of Human Resources

Mr. Solon informed of a couple of items:  1) The provisions related to the Open Meetings Act allowing for Board meetings to be virtual continue due to Governor Pritzker’s most recent disaster proclamation and 2) it is the custom and practice of the college to record Board meetings and the meeting was being recorded both audio and video.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Mr. McCracken to approve the agenda, as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.


Ms. Goetz recognized Executive Secretary Judy Day for 35 years and Dr. Corcoran for 30 years of dedicated service to the College. Ms. Goetz commented that Ms. Day “has grown up with us” and Dr. Corcoran “exemplifies IVCC’s Core Values” of responsibility, caring, honesty, fairness and respect.

Mr. Martin Rue, Jr. and Mr. Eric Soderholm appeared in person and requested in writing the opportunity to speak at the June 10th Board meeting.


It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve the consent agenda, as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – April 8, 2021 Board Meeting.

Approval of Bills - $1,810,495.36

Education Fund - $1,130,542.80; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $94,578.68; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $430,892.33; Auxiliary Fund - $66,740.07; Restricted Fund - $53,405.96; Audit Fund - $1,700.00; Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $32,565.52; and Grants, Loans & Scholarships - $70.00.

Treasurer’s Report


Approved stipends for pay periods ending March 27, 2021 and April 10, 2021.


Dr. Corcoran began by thanking everyone for all the work that has gone into making our May 22 virtual commencement a special event. Dr. Corcoran noted that we have the best of all worlds going for us with Jennifer Heredia and Matthew Klein handling our technology needs, along with Mark Grzybowski and his student services team working collaboratively with Fran Brolley’s community relations staff. He added that because it is a virtual event, parts are understandably being recorded in advance and the bottom line is we think our students and their loved ones will be delighted with the finished product. Dr. Corcoran informed that in a similar way, Dr. Jennifer Grobe and the incomparable Laura Hodgson are putting together a tribute to our Nursing students in the way of a virtual pinning ceremony to also be streamed on Saturday, May 22nd. He noted that for social distancing purposes, seating for this event will be limited in order to have the safest possible environment for everyone. Dr. Corcoran added that as long as we are on the subject of virtual recognition events, our excellent adult education department led by Sara Escatel is pulling together a program for High School Equivalency (HSE), Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (ICAP), Bridge and Citizenship students to be posted on May 19th. Dr. Corcoran noted that like everything that Sara does, we are sure that it will be first-class. He informed that we will look forward to sending you the links for these three programs as soon as everything is available just like what we did for Paula Hallock and the team that she and Leslie have led every year for employee recognition based on years of service, awarding of tenure, faculty and staff outstanding service, and a tribute to retirees. Dr. Corcoran noted that as he said when he relayed the news about our manufacturing academy consortium’s proposal not being funded by the DCEO, he is convinced that many of the activities we envisioned will still come to fruition because of the group’s ability to work together. Dr. Corcoran reported that examples of collaborative efforts on the horizon include the sharing of curriculum and adjuncts, contract training commitments, and transitioning to a more modularized approach for delivering course content to meet specific and short-term needs of employers. He added that the bottom line is the friendships that have been cultivated with our counterparts at Illinois Central College, Lincoln Land Community College and Spoon River will live on and we will still work together to make good things happen for the region. Dr. Corcoran noted that as he shared with Trustee David Mallery yesterday, members of our faculty and staff would like to discuss with Dominick Demonica, our talented architect, some possible changes to our facilities which include (1) moving dental assisting to a new area with more space while launching dental hygiene; (2) expanding the biology lab; (3) repurposing an area of the college for a mock-courtroom setting as a complement to our criminal justice program; (4) converting our math lab into a nursing simulation lab; (5) building a new salt shed; and (6) making some improvements to the bid documents that will go out to people interested in leasing cropland on a cash-rent basis. Dr. Corcoran added that we also need to plan on some tiling work to be done on the cropland – nothing urgent, but we want to do what is right now and for the benefit of those who will follow us long-term. Dr. Corcoran informed that unless things change, the administration will find some dates and times that can work for Mr. Demonica to spend on campus visiting with stakeholder groups about the projects that he touched upon, then follow that up with a discussion with the Board’s Facilities Committee for consideration.


Mr. Mallery informed that he looked forward to a meeting of the Facilities Committee to discuss the items outlined by Dr. Corcoran in his report. He directed attention to page 43 of the May Board book and inquired if it is the only document that has been received from the City of Oglesby so far on the proposed solar energy facility. Dr. Corcoran confirmed that it is the only item. Mr. Mallery advised that more specific information would be needed in order to explore the possibility for the proposal other than a strong desire from the city to annex.


It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Dr. Boyles to accept the proposal of Sikich, LLP for audit services, as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to authorize the purchase of a 2021 Ford F-350 truck using the State Contract Number 19-416CMS-BOSS4-P-11453 through the State of Illinois Central Management Services for Purchasing from Morrow Brothers Ford of Greenfield, Illinois at a cost of $58,870.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.


It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve the Advanced Cannabis Production Certificate, as presented.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to appoint Christina Boughton as Nursing Instructor effective August 16, 2021 at Step B-5, an annualized salary of $51,496, subject to terms and conditions of the 2021-2022 faculty contract to be negotiated.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Dr. Rebholz shared that Ms. Boughton was her intern when she was in training and noted that Christina is a delightful person. Ms. Boughton joined the meeting virtually and was welcomed and congratulated by the Board.


It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to appoint Samantha Whiteaker as Nursing Instructor effective August 16, 2021 at Step B-11, an annualized salary of $61,572, subject to terms and conditions of the 2021-2022 faculty contract to be negotiated.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Ms. Whiteaker was present remotely and was welcomed and congratulated by the Board.


It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Ms. Goetz to appoint Caitlinn Hubbell as Agriculture Instructor effective August 16, 2021 at Step B-1, an annualized salary of $45,327, subject to terms and conditions of the 2021-2022 faculty contract to be negotiated.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Ms. Hubbell joined the meeting remotely and was congratulated and welcomed by the Board.


It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to appoint Emily Morgan as Mathematics Instructor effective August 16, 2021 at Step B-5, an annualized salary of $54,496, subject to terms and conditions of the 2021-2022 faculty contract to be negotiated.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Ms. Morgan was present virtually and was congratulated and welcomed by the Board.


It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Mr. McCracken to accept with regret the retirement of Gina Elias, Computer Networking Instructor, effective July 2, 2021.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Dr. Corcoran thanked Gina for her many years of dedicated service and wished her well in retirement.


It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to accept with regret the resignation of Quintin Overocker, Director of Admissions, Records and Transfer Services, effective June 30, 2021.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Ms. Goetz noted that Mr. Overocker has been a true asset to the college. Dr. Corcoran added that we thank Quintin for his service and wish him well in his future endeavors.


It was moved by Dr. Rebholz and seconded by Mr. McCracken to accept with regret the resignation of Dr. Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective January 1, 2022.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. Dr. Corcoran noted that Dr. Anderson has served the College with distinction and is a true professional and we wish her well in her retirement.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to approve a three-year employment contract for President Dr. Jerry Corcoran from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024 with a salary increase of 2.5 for FY2022, providing for an annual salary of $216,047 as well as benefits and other conditions presented in the contract.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.  

Mr. Mallery thanked Dr. Corcoran for his many years of service as President of the College. Dr. Corcoran noted that it is an honor and privilege to serve IVCC and thanked the Board of Trustees for its continued support.


Mr. McCracken thanked the administration for their work in bringing forward the great candidates that were presented this evening. He noted that he is aware of the tremendous amount of effort that this process requires and thanked all involved for their fine work. Mr. McCracken thanked all of the retirees for their service.


Mr. Solon requested a motion and a roll call vote at 6:58 p.m. to enter into a closed session to discuss: 1) pending or imminent litigation; 2) complaint lodged against an official or employee of the public body; 3) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 4) collective negotiations; and 5) closed session minutes.  Motion made by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Goetz to enter into a closed session.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. The Board immediately entered closed session at 7:00 p.m.

Motion made by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Dr. Rebholz to return to the regular meeting.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried. The regular meeting resumed at 8:48 p.m.


It was moved by Ms. Goetz and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to accept the resignation of Dr. Nora Hamilton, Nursing Instructor effective June 1, 2021.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Dr. Boyles to approve and retain the closed session minutes of April 8, 2021.

Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Ms. Miranda.  Roll Call Vote: “Ayes”– Mr. McCracken, Dr. Rebholz, Dr. Boyles, Ms. Goetz, Ms. Stevenson, Mr. Mallery and Mr. Solon.  “Nay” – none.  Motion carried.


Ms. Goetz reminded that the ICCTA Annual Conference is June 4 & 5 with trustee leadership training sessions in the morning and afternoon of June 4.  She added that the conference will be held in Normal this year and encouraged all of our trustees to consider attending.


Mr. Solon declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.