December 10, 2020 Minutes of Regular Meeting
The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2020 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.
Members Physically Present
Jane E. Goetz, Chair
Everett J. Solon, Vice Chair
Members Virtually Present
Angela M. Stevenson, Secretary
Amy L. Boyles
David O. Mallery
Jay K. McCracken
Manuel “Tony” Galindo, Student Trustee
Naomi Ochuba, Student Trustee-Elect
Members Telephonically Present
Members Absent
Maureen O. Rebholz
Others Physically Present
Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services & Finance
Leslie Hofer, Director of Human Resources
Chris Dunlap, Director of Information Technology Services
Walt Zukowski, Attorney
Others Virtually Present
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Vice President for Student Services
Bonnie Campbell, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ms. Goetz informed of a couple of items: 1) The provisions related to the Open Meetings Act allowing for Board meetings to be virtual continue due to Governor Pritzker’s most recent disaster proclamation and 2) it is the custom and practice of the college to record Board meetings and the meeting was being recorded both audio and video.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Mr. McCracken to approve the agenda, as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
Ms. Goetz read a resolution honoring Tony Galindo on behalf of the Board of Trustees to express sincere appreciation that he has given generously of his time, energy, and talents in his responsibilities to the College as a student Board member. Mr. Galindo thanked the Board for the great experience and the opportunities in serving as Student Trustee. He added that he would be transferring to the University of Iowa this coming spring semester to study neuroscience.
Ms. Goetz was joined by all Board members in welcoming Naomi Ochuba, Student Trustee for 2021.
Tracy Lee thanked Dr. Patrice Hess and her Learning Resources Center team for assisting faculty to meet the needs of students with online instruction throughout the fall semester. Ms. Lee expressed her appreciation to these devoted employees and recognized CETLA, the Library, Student Help Desk, Writing Center, Tutoring Center, Disability Services and Assessment Center.
Leslie Hofer, Director of Human Resources, presented IVCC’s demographics for fiscal year 2020. Ms. Hofer noted that IVCC employees in the white, non-Hispanic category had a slight decrease from last year’s numbers along with a decrease in our student population whereas our district population had a slight increase over last year. Our Black/African American category shows that our student and district populations decreased while the employee population is trending upward. IVCC’s Hispanic employee category continues to increase. Ms. Hofer informed that IVCC makes a concerted effort to recruit a diverse pool of candidates for each open position. Supervisors and selection committee members are provided with training to ensure that the hiring process is handled fairly and the best candidates are selected for employment. In FY20 the majority of our new hires continue to be females. Of the 21 full-time positions filled in FY20 eight were advertised outside of the Illinois Valley which is the college’s practice when filling administrative, faculty, and traditionally hard-to-fill professional/technical positions. Part-or full-time support staff positions are not normally advertised outside of the local area as the local pool of qualified applicants for these positions is typically higher than the local pool for faculty and administrative positions. Among the top recruitment sources from the Applitrack data are IVCC website and internet. In FY20, HR worked with Indeed to pick up all new postings at no cost to the college. Ms. Hofer noted that the HR department also focuses on new employee orientation, development, training, wellness and compliance activities.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve the consent agenda, as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
The following items were approved in the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes – November 12, 2020 Board Meeting.
Approval of Bills - $1,143,895.59
Education Fund - $764,686.79; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $50,265.81; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $72,827.54; Auxiliary Fund - $179,072.29; Restricted Fund - $40,229.83; Audit - $11,550.00; and Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $25,263.33.
Treasurer’s Report
Approved stipends for pay periods ending November 7, 2020 and November 21, 2020 & Part-time Faculty and Staff Appointments of November 2020.
Ms. Goetz appointed Mr. Solon as secretary pro-tem in the physical absence of Ms. Stevenson.
Dr. Corcoran reported that in late October the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity announced a notice of funding opportunity for two manufacturing academies to be created in the central and southern regions of the state. Up to $15 million is available to support the academies. Dr. Corcoran added that individual community colleges may go it alone with their plans in pursuit of these funds, or a consortium of community colleges may choose to work together. Dr. Corcoran informed that the administration is giving serious consideration to joining a consortium of Illinois community colleges with districts that represent more than one-third of Central Illinois’s manufacturers, and where manufacturing jobs are projected to increase from 2020 to 2025 between 5 – 10 percent (EMSI Labor Market Analytics). Dr. Corcoran noted that IVCC’s Peter Miller Community Technology Center is state of the art, so we are not interested in capital funds for construction that would come to the consortium, but we are definitely interested in being part of a Manufacturing Academy consortium where partner colleges would work together in developing shared curricula with shared instructional materials for advanced manufacturing programs and related stackable-credential programs. If our consortium were to be selected for funding, the Manufacturing Academy would be located in one location with consortium colleges serving as satellites. Foundational credit and non-credit-bearing courses would be offered at the Academy satellites with advanced manufacturing courses offered either online or at the Academy home site. Dr. Corcoran informed that we are not ready to make an official recommendation for Board consideration and approval tonight, however, we wanted to let you know that we are very interested in working with other colleges on manufacturing-related programs that would benefit traditional students upon leaving the high school, the non-traditional student population made up of people who want to upgrade their skills, and employers in need of incumbent worker training. Dr. Corcoran noted that Bonnie Campbell, Dr. Shane Lange, Jennifer Scheri and Jen Sowers are doing a fine job of gathering information on the proposal and interacting with manufacturers in the district. He advised to stay tuned for more to follow next month on this subject. Dr. Corcoran noted that on a different subject, the Project Success performance report has come in from the Department of Education and once again, Chris Herman and his hard-working staff of Cynthia Cardosi, Diane Scoma, and Terumi Scully excelled in all categories including persistence, academic standing, degrees, certificates and transfer rates. Congratulations to Chris, his coworkers and 165 Project Success students on a job well done. Dr. Corcoran noted that as you may have seen in one of Fran Brolley’s recent press releases, results of the 2020 SGA are in and Grace Sparling is the SGA president, Isabel Lueck vice president, Gorge Leon secretary, Naomi Ochuba treasurer, sophomore representative Reid Tomasson and sophomore programing board member Gabrielle Englehaupt. He added that obviously, with Naomi moving into the Trustee position, there is a vacancy that must be filled so the SGA will meet soon and address the open Treasurer spot. Dr. Corcoran expressed many thanks to the SGA members for stepping forward to serve in these leadership roles, and to Cory Tomasson and Mark Grzybowski for always doing such a fine job of handling these matters.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Mr. McCracken to adopt the Tax Levy Resolution, Certificate of Tax Levy, Resolution of Intent, Notice of Intent to Increase Tax Ley, and Certificate of Compliance with the Truth in Taxation Act, as presented.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve the addition of a full-time Administrative Assistant to the Continuing Education and Business Services Department.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Mr. Mallery to accept with regret the retirement of Dan Serafini, Mathematics Instructor, effective July 31, 2021.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
It was moved by Mr. Solon and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to accept with regret the retirement of Rick Serafini, Accounting Instructor, effective July 31, 2021.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
Dr. Corcoran noted that the college has been very fortunate to have both Dan Serafini and Rick Serafini as instructors. He added that we have benefited from their professionalism every day and both are deserving of a fine retirement.
It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Dr. Boyles to approve the following meeting dates for 2021 and provide public notice of this schedule. All meetings will take place at 6:30 p.m. in Room C-307, The Board Room, on the campus of Illinois Valley Community College, 815 North Orlando Smith Road, Oglesby, Illinois.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 Thursday, July 8, 2021
Thursday, February 11, 2021 Thursday, August 12, 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021 Thursday, September 9, 2021
Thursday, April 8, 2021 Thursday, October 14, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021 Thursday, November 18, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021 Thursday, December 9, 2021
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
Ms. Goetz wished all a safe and healthy holiday season.
Ms. Goetz requested a motion and a roll call vote at 7:10 p.m. to enter into a closed session to discuss: 1) imminent or pending litigation; 2) complaint lodged against an official or employee of the public body; 3) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 4) collective negotiations; and 5) closed session minutes. Motion made by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Mr. McCracken to enter into a closed session.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried. The Board immediately entered closed session at 7:15 p.m.
Motion made by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to return to the regular meeting.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried. The regular meeting resumed at 7:58 p.m.
It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve and retain the closed session minutes of November 12, 2020.
Student Advisory Vote: – “Aye” – Mr. Galindo. Roll Call Vote: “Ayes” – Mr. Mallery, Mr. McCracken, Dr. Boyles, Mr. Solon, Ms. Stevenson, and Ms. Goetz. “Nay” – none. Motion carried.
Dr. Corcoran noted that the Popular Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 was available at the table to those Board members physically present and the report would be mailed to all other Board members. He thanked Cheryl Roelfsema and her team for the fine report.
Ms. Goetz declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.